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单词 primary care
释义  ˌprimary ˈcare noun [uncountable]  basic medical treatment that you receive from a doctor who is not a specialist 〔非专科医生的〕初级保健护理,初诊治疗,初级治疗 a primary care physician (=a doctor who provides primary care) 初级保健医生Examples from the Corpusprimary care• Their delivery of services has also been handicapped by inadequate investment in both community and primary care services and practice resources.• Thus hospital recommendations, based on discounted prices, can result in high cost commitments for primary care.• Health gain has been rather narrowly defined in primary care studies of diabetic care to date.• In this way every general practitioner could shape and contribute to the future research and development of primary care.• In considering the health care provision agencies we may usefully divide them into two main types: primary care and secondary care.ˌprimary ˈcare nounChineseSyllable  medical Corpus receive you treatment a from basic that




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