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单词 pressure point
释义  Related topics: Humanˈpressure point noun [countable]  1  SERIOUS SITUATIONa place or situation where there may be trouble 有麻烦的地方;危险局面 a pressure point for racial tension 种族关系紧张的地方2. HBHa place on the body that can be pressed, either to stop bleeding or to help make you feel better 加压止血点;压(觉)点,穴位Examples from the Corpuspressure point• Some or the political personalities saw it as a new political pressure point on the Westminster government.• As she held him she searched for and found the pressure point in his armpit, and stopped the gush of blood.ˈpressure point nounChineseSyllable  situation where Corpus a place may there or be trouble




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