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单词 press-up
释义  Related topics: Other sportsˈpress-up noun [countable]  British EnglishDSO a type of exercise in which you lie facing the ground, and push your body up with your arms 俯卧撑 SYN American English push-up →4  See picture of 见图 press-up →5 see picture at 见图 gymExamples from the Corpuspress-up• The Corporal who was with us at the time, a new one detached from Orange, immediately awarded Mike 2,000 press-ups.• Shame heats our cell, and press-ups, and prayers.• Examples of which most people have heard are press-ups, stomach curls, and leg lifts.• We had been getting it wrong, so were face down in a foot of water in the field doing press-ups.• In return for their addresses he would allow me to stop doing press-ups in the mud.• He was doing press-ups, an activity which Dougal found distasteful.• What an incitement to lust all those press-ups must be.• I pissed in a test-tube, had four injections and did twenty press-ups to get my heart going.ˈpress-up nounChineseSyllable  you a type in exercise Corpus which of




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