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单词 presentable
释义  pre·sent·a·ble /prɪˈzentəbəl/ adjective  SMART/WELL-DRESSEDtidy and attractive enough to be seen or shown to someone 拿得出手的;像样的;体面的 She’s a presentable young woman. 她是位优雅大方的年轻女子。 Let’s tidy up and make the house a bit more presentable. 我们来把房子收拾得更像样一点吧。 I must go and make myself presentable. 我得去打扮一下。 —presentably adverbExamples from the Corpuspresentable• This man was in every way presentable.• This part of the garage was a little more presentable.• We don't have to wear suits for work, but we do have to look presentable.• Helen watched my grandmother with a peculiar horror, for my grandmother had abandoned all attempts to make herself presentable.• The other men were even worse, even less presentable.• Doing it from scratch basically down to writing the page in that make it look presentable, and links to other pages.• I make sure Mum looks presentable on Mondays and Thursdays.• And this process of making order is presentable only subjectively and in the present.• Although Bitstream players often sound a little smoother and more presentable, the process is difficult to engineer successfully.• It will take about $7,500 to make the house presentable to buyers.• Arnold was a very presentable young fellow.make myself presentable• I made myself presentable and sallied forth.pre·sent·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  to Corpus or seen be and to shown enough tidy attractive




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