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单词 preferential
释义 Word family  noun preference adjective preferable preferential verb prefer adverb preferably preferentially  pref·e·ren·tial /ˌprefəˈrenʃəl◂/ adjective [only before noun]  ADVANTAGEpreferential treatment, rates etc are deliberately different in order to give an advantage to particular people 优先的,优待的,优惠的 preferential credit terms for reliable borrowers 向可靠借款人提供的优惠信贷条件 —preferentially adverbExamples from the Corpuspreferential• For this species also, therefore, preferential destruction of upper and lower jaws is indicated.• Of course, family allowances, tax benefits and preferential housing allocation are all designed to ease the cost of dependent children.• This measures any preferential loss of distal limb elements.• And zero shareholders have preferential rights to trusts' assets when they are wound up.• Once joint prospects arc more securely fastened, even more preferential trading terms can be secured.• De Klerk insisted that such a system would not provide for preferential treatment for any group at the expense of any other.• Bank officials denied giving the senator any preferential treatment.• It was made clear that trade would be at international prices, with no subsidies or preferential treatment.From Longman Business Dictionarypreferentialpref‧e‧ren‧tial /ˌprefəˈrenʃəl◂/ adjective [only before a noun] preferential treatment, a preferential rate etc is deliberately more favourable in order to give an advantage to particular people, organizations etcNorway develops domestic oil companies by giving them preferential treatment in awarding oil-field licenses.If you find you need to borrow more, we’ll charge you a special preferential rate.pref·e·ren·tial adjectiveChineseSyllable  different Corpus preferential are deliberately in rates order to etc Business treatment,




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