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单词 pre-emptive
释义  pre-emp·tive, preemptive /priˈemptɪv/ adjective  PREVENTa pre-emptive action is done to prevent something from happening, especially something that will harm you 〔行动〕抢先的,先发制人的pre-emptive strike/attack a series of pre-emptive strikes on guerrilla bases 对游击队根据地一系列先发制人的攻击Examples from the Corpuspre-emptive• Both are meant to decide on the basis of dependent reasons and their decisions are therefore pre-emptive.• The defender launches his pre-emptive counter-attack a split second after the attacker prepares to strike.• Perhaps general anaesthesia should be combined with pre-emptive local and regional anaesthetic blocks more often.• The procedure whereby the pre-emptive offer is to be communicated to the shareholders is laid down in section 90.• It still leaves the state Legislature with massive pre-emptive powers to override local decisions.• Right then, apparently, she put away any pre-emptive right to either Augusta or Thomas.• The elective resolution procedure does not apply to the pre-emptive rights since a special resolution procedure is available to change the articles.• The US says it is prepared to launch a pre-emptive strike with nuclear weapons if it is threatened.• That is what is known as a pre-emptive whinge.pre-emptive strike/attack• Apparently spooked, Univel cut its prices attempting what it called a pre-emptive strike.• But it never got that far because Kasser fired his pre-emptive strike.• To prevent them being expressed, you stage a pre-emptive strike.• He had half expected a divine pre-emptive strike, a thunderbolt maybe, as he queued for the body and blood.• It was a pre-emptive strike against attempts to rewrite and water down his proposals in the months ahead.• Both his coups began with a ruthless pre-emptive strike from a position of strength.• This diminishes the chances of accidental war or pre-emptive strikes motivated by unfounded fears.pre-emp·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  something Corpus action prevent done to a is pre-emptive




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