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单词 poster child
释义  ˈposter ˌchild noun [countable usually singular] American English  1. a child with a particular illness or physical problem whose picture appears on a poster advertising the work of an organization that helps children with that problem 〔公益广告中的〕海报儿童,代言儿童2  someone or something that represents a particular quality, idea etc – often used humorously 典型人物,典型事物〔常为幽默用法〕 Dillon is the poster child for wasted talent. 狄龙是典型的被埋没的人才。Examples from the Corpusposter child• The 1947 poster child, Nancy Drury from Louisville, Kentucky, was a victim of the 1944 epidemic.• Doctors call Howley their poster child.ˈposter ˌchild nounChineseSyllable  a illness or child with Corpus particular a




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