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单词 possessed
释义  Related topics: Occultpos·sessed /pəˈzest/ adjective  1  ROif someone is possessed, their mind is controlled by something evil 着了魔的,鬼迷心窍的 She was convinced he was possessed by the devil. 她确信他被魔鬼附身了。like a man/woman possessed literary (=with a lot of energy or violence) 猛烈地,拼命地,着了魔似的2  be possessed of something literaryHAVE to have a particular quality, ability etc 具有〔某种品质、能力等〕 She was possessed of a fine and original mind. 她具有细腻而独到的思维方式。 → self-possessedExamples from the Corpuspossessed• Her family thought that she was possessed, and called in a a man/woman possessed• Young played the game like a man possessed.• Sobbing and screaming, she thrashed about like a woman possessed.• Chamden performed like men possessed and even had the audacity to mount wave after wave of attacks.pos·sessed adjectiveChineseSyllable  is is their mind if Corpus someone possessed,




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