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单词 portent
释义  por·tent /ˈpɔːtent $ ˈpɔːr-/ noun [countable] literary  SIGN/GESTUREa sign or warning that something is going to happen 迹象,预兆,征兆 SYN omenportent of Some people believe the raven is a portent of death. 有些人认为渡鸦是死亡的征兆。Examples from the Corpusportent• Consequently, the parents often seize on anything as a portent which confirms their wishes.• Their first meeting was a portent.• Were there signs and portents in the sky on the night I was born?• Biblical writings, which lie at the root of Western culture, make numerous mention of portents in the heavens.• Pundits tried not to read too much symbolic portent into the calamity.• His faith never wavered, even when Albert became so disturbed by the portents that he could not sleep and fell ill.• The portents are not what one would call auspicious.portent of• The strikes are viewed as a portent of revolution.por·tent nounChineseSyllable   Corpus warning that or sign something is a




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