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单词 Pope
释义  Related topics: ChristianityPope, pope /pəʊp $ poʊp/ noun [countable]  1  RRCthe leader of the Roman Catholic Church 〔天主教的〕教皇,教宗 → papal The pope will visit El Salvador this year. 教皇今年将访问萨尔瓦多。 Pope John XXIII 教皇约翰二十三世2  Is the Pope (a) Catholic? informalCERTAINLY/DEFINITELY used to say that something is clearly true or certain – used humorously 教皇是天主教徒吗? 这还用问?〔幽默用法,用于表示某事毫无疑问是真实的或确定的〕 ‘Do you think they’ll win?’ ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ “你认为他们会赢吗?”“这还用问?”Examples from the CorpusPope• Pope John Paul II• During the annual Pope Day at Newport and Boston, crowds burned the pope in effigy.• Several thousand people came to hear the Pope speak.• If all else failed I would have to write to the Pope.Origin Pope (800-900) Late Latin papa, from Greek pappas, papas “father”, used as a title of bishopsPope nounChinese  of Corpus Catholic Church the Roman the leader




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