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- sir-lancelot
- sirloin
- sirloins
- sirloin steak
- sirloinsteak
- sirloin-steak
- sir malcom sargent
- sir-malcom-sargent
- sir matt busby
- sir-matt-busby
- sir michael tippett
- sir-michael-tippett
- sir neville marriner
- sir-neville-marriner
- sir nigel hawthorne
- sir-nigel-hawthorne
- sir noel coward
- sir-noel-coward
- sir norman hartnell
- sir-norman-hartnell
- sirocco
- sir oswald mosley
- sir-oswald-mosley
- sir peter maxwell davies
- sir-peter-maxwell-davies
- Uterine cavity
- Mineralize
- Epigenetic
- Businessmen
- Prolocutor
- Coexistent
- Unbleached
- Filum
- On the beam
- Personality test
- 智慧的民族缔造无限辉煌
- 智慧的锦囊
- 智慧能禁得住考验
- 智慧蕴涵在老师的行为中
- 智慧语言创造财富
- 智慧长于精神,精神生于喜悦,喜悦生于欢爱。故责人者,与其怒之也,不若教之;与其教之也,不若化之。从容宽大,谅其所不能而容其所不及,恕其所不知而体其所不欲,随事讲说,随时开谕。彼乐接引之诚而喜于所好,感督责之宽而愧其不材,人非木石,无不长进。故曰“敬敷五教在宽”,又曰“无忿疾于顽”,又曰“匪怒伊教”,又曰“善诱人”。今也不令而责之豫,不言而责之意,不明而责之喻,未及令人,先怀怒意,梃诟恣加,既罪矣而
- 智慧需要自己挖掘
- 智捞铁牛
- 智擒人贩
- 智擒山臊》简析
- 智斗御史
- 智斗恶巨人》鉴赏
- 智斗猫的公鸡
- 智斩独角龙的神话故事,智斩独角龙读后感
- 智永传授练习书法的捷径
- Put句子
- Leave句子
- Own句子
- Family句子
- Much句子
- Another句子
- In and out句子
- In all directions句子
- In advance of句子
- In addition to句子
- In accordance with句子
- In a word句子
- In a hurry句子
- If only句子
- If any句子