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单词 scared
释义 Word family  noun scare adjective scared scary verb scare  scared /skeəd $ skerd/ ●●● S3 adjective  FRIGHTENEDfrightened of something, or nervous about something 害怕…的;对…感到惊慌[恐惧]的 SYN afraid At first, he was really scared. 刚开始时他非常害怕。scared of somebody/something I’ve always been scared of dogs. 我一直怕狗。scared of doing something Don’t be scared of asking for help. 不要害怕开口求人。scared (that) I wanted to ask her out, but was scared that she might refuse. 我想约她出去,但又怕她会拒绝。scared to do something The boys were scared to cross the street. 这些男孩害怕过马路。scared stiff/scared to death/scared out of your wits (=extremely frightened) 被吓呆了的/被吓得要死的/被吓傻了的 I was scared stiff at the thought of making a speech. 我一想到要去演讲就吓得动弹不得。► see thesaurus at frightened RegisterScared is slightly informal. In written English, people usually prefer to use afraid or frightened: scared略有些不正式。在书面英语中,人们一般更喜欢用afraid或frightened5Many generations have been afraid of nuclear power.好几代人都害怕核能。nShe was afraid of losing Anna in the crowd.n COLLOCATIONSadverbsvery/really scaredBy this time I was feeling really scared.quite scaredSome of the children were quite scared.a bit/little scaredI was always a little scared of my father.verbsfeel scaredShe was beginning to feel a bit scared.look scaredWhat’s the matter? You look scared.get scared (=start to feel scared)It was now completely dark and I was getting scared.phrasesscared to death (=extremely scared)He looked scared to death.scared stiff informal (=extremely scared)I was scared stiff of going down those cellar steps.scared witless/out of your wits informal (=extremely scared)She admitted she was scared running scared (=feel scared, especially because someone might catch you or defeat you)The opposition were running scared.Examples from the Corpusscared• Then he came into the bedroom to see me and I got really scared.• The first time I went on a motorcycle I was really scared.• She didn't know why she felt so scared.• There are people who encouraged me not to worry, not to be scared, but it's hard.• Why on earth is his Department so scared of answering questions on this subject?• Now most of her contacts were out-of-town businessmen, far more scared of comebacks than she'd ever have to be.• She's always been scared of heights.• You're scared of him, aren't you, whoever he is?• I think they were all scared of offending him.• She says she gets nervous whenever there's a car behind her, and she's scared of speed.• When he came back he looked scared stiff, as if he'd seen a ghost.• I hate reading out my work in class - I'm scared that people are going to laugh at me.• He was too scared to be otherwise.• I stood still, scared to move forward and scared to go back.scared to do something• But I was too bloody scared to accept the offer.• I am sick and scared to death Though I only know about it from what men say.• She wasn't just scared of the cameras, she was scared of everything - scared to go home.• But I was too scared to go out.• My period was a week late but I was too scared to have a test.• Janice lay on the floor trembling, too scared to move.• It was the pot of white paint that dropped + had fallen on Nutmeg but he had been too scared to notice.• He said he had been scared to tell the truth after a series of threats from one of the gang.• She was also scared to undress in front of him.scared adjective →REGISTER1 →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  about Corpus or of something, something frightened nervous




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