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单词 pleasure
释义 Word family  noun pleasantry pleasure ≠ displeasure adjective pleasant ≠ unpleasant pleased ≠ displeased pleasing ≠ displeasing pleasurable verb please ≠ displease adverb pleasantly ≠ unpleasantly pleasingly pleasurably  plea·sure /ˈpleʒə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  [uncountable]HAPPYSATISFIED the feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction that you get from an experience 愉快,快乐;满足 → pleasantwith pleasure She sipped her drink with obvious pleasure. 她小口抿着喝饮料,显然很高兴。for pleasure Are you taking the trip for business or pleasure? 你这次出门是出差还是去玩?► see thesaurus at fun2  [countable]ENJOY/LIKE DOING something an activity or experience that you enjoy very much 愉快的活动[经历],乐事 → pleasant the simple pleasures of life 生活中的简单乐趣be a pleasure to read/work with/watch etc Carol was a pleasure to work with. 和卡罗尔共事很愉快。3. (it’s) my pleasure spokenTHANK used when someone has thanked you for doing something and you want to say that you were glad to do it 别客气,不用谢〔表示乐意做某事〕4  [singular] spoken formal used to be polite when you are meeting someone, asking for something, agreeing to do something etc 有幸(做),荣幸have the pleasure of (doing) something May I have the pleasure of seeing you again? 我能否有幸再次和您见面? It’s been a pleasure to meet you. 见到您很高兴。It’ll be a pleasure/With pleasure (=used to respond to a request) 荣幸之至〔用于回答请求〕 ‘Give the kids a hug for me.’ ‘With pleasure.’ “代我拥抱一下孩子们。”“荣幸之至。”5. at your pleasure formalFREE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT if you can do something at your pleasure, you can do it when you want to and in the way you want to 随你的便,随你的意愿6. at His/Her Majesty’s pleasure British English lawSCL if someone is put in prison at His or Her Majesty’s pleasure, there is no fixed limit to the time they have to spend there 〔在押犯人〕没有固定的监禁期限;随国王/女王发落,随意在押 COLLOCATIONSverbstake pleasure in (doing) something 很高兴做某事He takes great pleasure in boasting about his big salary. 他很喜欢吹嘘自己的高薪。get pleasure from/out of something 从某事物中获得乐趣Young children get a lot of pleasure from dressing up. 小孩子装扮成别人玩耍时就兴高采烈。find pleasure in (doing) something 在(做)某事中找到乐趣I find great pleasure in reading. 我在阅读中得到很大的快乐。give (somebody) pleasure (给某人)带来乐趣Over the years, painting has given me a lot of pleasure. 这些年来,绘画带给我极大的乐趣。bring pleasure to somebody (=give someone pleasure) 给某人带来快乐nHis singing has brought pleasure to millions.derive pleasure from something formal (=get pleasure from it) 从某事物中得到快乐nI derive great pleasure from playing chess.adjectivesgreat/enormous/immense pleasure 巨大的乐趣Steinbeck’s books have brought enormous pleasure to many people. 斯坦贝克的作品给许多人带来了巨大的快乐。sheer/pure pleasure 十足的享受nHe studied ancient languages for the sheer pleasure of learning.ngenuine/real pleasureShe smiled with genuine pleasure.nperverse pleasure (=unreasonable, surprising, or bad)Some people derive perverse pleasure from the suffering of others.phrasesa source of pleasure 快乐的源泉Her garden was a constant source of pleasure. 她的花园是无尽的快乐源泉。 THESAURUSpleasure the feeling you have when you are doing something you enjoy or when something very nice has happened to you 快乐,愉快Most craftsmen get a lot of pleasure out of making things. 许多工匠从制作器物的过程中尽享快乐。His music has brought pleasure to people all over the world. 他的音乐给世界各地的人们带来欢乐。happiness the feeling you have when you are happy 幸福Happiness is more important than money. 幸福比金钱更重要。Pauline was willing to do anything for her children’s happiness. 为了子女的幸福,保利娜愿意做任何事。nI doubt she’ll find happiness with especially written a deep feeling of great happiness, because something good has happened 欢乐,快乐It’s hard to describe the joy we felt, seeing each other again after so many years. 这么多年后重相见,很难描述我们的欢喜之情。They danced with joy when they heard the news. 他们听到消息后,乐得跳起舞来。delight great happiness and excitement, because of something good that has happened (极大的)快乐To the audience’s delight, she agreed to play another song. 让听众高兴的是,她同意再演奏一首歌。Imagine my delight when I found out that the house was for sale. 当我知道那幢房子要出售时,想想我有多高兴吧。contentment a quietly happy and satisfied feeling, especially because you are happy with your work, your life etc 满足,满意He moved to the country and found contentment for the first time in his life. 他搬到了乡下,平生第一次感到了满足。nShe settled back in her chair and sighed with contentment.euphoria /juːˈfɔːria $ jʊ-/ an extremely strong feeling of happiness and excitement that continues for a short time 兴高采烈,〔强烈而短暂的〕幸福感The whole country experienced a period of euphoria after the war ended. 战争结束后,一时间举国欢腾。the euphoria that parents feel after the birth of a child 宝宝出生后父母感受到的兴奋elation /ɪˈleɪʃən/ formal a strong feeling of happiness and excitement, especially because you have achieved something 兴高采烈,得意扬扬After she had made her first landing, she experienced a great sense of elation. 首次降落成功后,她得意非常。The troops’ sense of elation at the victory was not to last. 部队得胜后没能高兴多久。Examples from the Corpuspleasure• Walking, or just standing still, had become a pleasure.• A really good game of basketball is a pleasure to watch.• His music has brought pleasure to people all over the world.• I don't very often read for pleasure.• Her singing has given pleasure to so many people over the years.• One of her greatest pleasures was walking in the mountains.• In fact they've been instrumental in providing some of the greatest pleasures in my life to date.• Cooper took obvious pleasure in announcing the merger.• Still, the thought gave me quite a jolt of pleasure.• Most craftsmen get a lot of pleasure out of making things.• My father always got a lot of pleasure from being with his grandchildren.• When she woke in the morning, it was to clear blue skies, and she gave a sigh of pleasure.• Are you taking the trip for business or pleasure?• Ted enjoyed the simple pleasures of life: his family, his home, and his garden.• I have said before that one of the most appealing things about this boy was the pleasure that he took in drawing.• The pleasure of having a vote is that I can exercise my own opinion.• His French was excellent, and he took pleasure in speaking it.• I noticed with pleasure how much happier he seemed.• In our headlong pursuit to acquire wealth and worldly pleasures, Christians have become virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the world.with pleasure• "Give the kids a hug for me." "With pleasure."be a pleasure to read/work with/watch etc• As is plain from this, Carol was a pleasure to work with.• The high-low button on the gear lever is a pleasure to work with; so is the forward-reverse selector.have the pleasure of (doing) something• Could he accordingly have the pleasure of treating her to a deckchair and listening to the band with her?• I've assembled his biography brick by brick, just so I can have the pleasure of taking it apart.• She thought even of a proposal which she could have the pleasure of turning down.• May I hope that you too enjoyed our talk - and may I have the pleasure of calling on you.• If so, may I have the pleasure of proposing you?• We did not have the pleasure of hearing from you and it shows.• I intend to travel extensively during the summer and I may not have the pleasure of meeting you.• We had the pleasure of meeting with the President privately.Origin pleasure (1300-1400) Old French plaisir; → PLEASE2plea·sure noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   or get the enjoyment, you satisfaction of feeling that happiness, Corpus




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