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单词 pleasing
释义 Word family  noun pleasantry pleasure ≠ displeasure adjective pleasant ≠ unpleasant pleased ≠ displeased pleasing ≠ displeasing pleasurable verb please ≠ displease adverb pleasantly ≠ unpleasantly pleasingly pleasurably  pleas·ing /ˈpliːzɪŋ/ adjective formal  NICEgiving pleasure, enjoyment, or satisfaction 使人愉快的;惬意的 a pleasing sound 悦耳的声音pleasing to a design that is pleasing to the eye 悦目的设计 —pleasingly adverb a pleasingly relaxed atmosphere 令人轻松惬意的氛围Examples from the Corpuspleasing• Its foliage is pleasing and the seed pods are marvellous.• Jumping Skipper showed a pleasing boldness in his jumping, which was still often done from trot.• Your pleasing burden has made you melancholy.• This must be particularly pleasing for Glass as he's wanted to put Peake's fantasy trilogy on stage for some time.• a pleasing nutty flavor• With this pleasing thought she settled more comfortably and looked about her.• Acceptance by Dublin of this principle was pleasing to London.pleasing to• Though pleasing to the eye, the building is drafty and cold.pleas·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  or satisfaction pleasure, giving enjoyment, Corpus




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