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单词 pleased
释义 Word family  noun pleasantry pleasure ≠ displeasure adjective pleasant ≠ unpleasant pleased ≠ displeased pleasing ≠ displeasing pleasurable verb please ≠ displease adverb pleasantly ≠ unpleasantly pleasingly pleasurably  pleased /pliːzd/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective  1  HAPPYSATISFIEDhappy or satisfied 快乐的,高兴的;满意的 Your dad will be so pleased. 你爸爸会非常高兴的。pleased by something She seemed pleased by the compliment. 她受了赞扬,显得很高兴。pleased about something5 I could tell she was pleased about something.我可以感觉得出她因为什么事很开心。n I could tell they were pleased about the news.pleased with something Gwinn was pleased with the results. 格温对结果很满意。pleased for somebody That’s wonderful! I’m really pleased for you. 太好了!我真的为你高兴。pleased (that) Her mother was pleased that she chose a college close to home. 她妈妈很高兴她选了一所离家不远的大学。pleased to hear/see/report etc I’m pleased to tell you that you’ve got the job. 很高兴通知你——你得到这份工作了。► see thesaurus at happy, satisfied2. (I’m) pleased to meet you spoken formalHELLO used as a polite greeting when you meet someone for the first time 幸会,很高兴见到[认识]你〔初次会面时的礼貌说法〕3  pleased to help/assist WILLINGvery willing or happy to help 非常乐意帮忙 If there’s anything we can do, we’d be pleased to help. 如果我们可以做些什么,我们会非常乐意帮忙。4  pleased with yourself PROUDfeeling proud or satisfied because you think you have done something clever, often in a way that annoys other people 自鸣得意 Miranda, pleased with herself for getting it right, sat down. 米兰达坐了下来,因为办妥了那件事而沾沾自喜。Examples from the Corpuspleased• "That was quite a performance, " he said, looking pleased.• His parents were very pleased about his award.• Laurie was pleased that her daughter decided to go to college.• You'll be pleased to hear that your application has been accepted.• She rang James Morris as soon as she was in, pleased to locate him in his office.• Mr. Heathcoat-Amory I am pleased to say that the Sizewell B project is progressing on time and to cost.• I was very, very pleased to see him.• He appeared genuinely pleased to see his reception-class teacher!• Therefore, I am pleased to support this plea.• I was so pleased when they said they'd be able to stay another week.• Were you pleased when you saw the results?• We're all quite pleased with Amada's progress.• Tom's teacher was pleased with his progress.• "How's your new car?" "It's great - I'm really pleased with it."• He was particularly pleased with the 25 percent success rate of the initial sessions at Coalport, which started in November.• They were pleased with the results and reported an increase in their social activities.• Whilst still a comparatively new system of management those who practised it were very pleased with the results.pleased with something• Republican leaders were pleased with the news.pleased adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus satisfied or happy




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