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单词 pin-up
释义  ˈpin-up noun [countable]  1  PICTUREa picture of an attractive person, often not wearing many clothes, that is put up on a wall to be looked at and admired 〔挂在墙上供欣赏的〕半裸美女像;美男[美女]海报 a pin-up of her favourite boy band 一张她最喜爱的男孩乐队的海报2  ATTRACTsomeone who appears in pin-up pictures or who is considered attractive by a particular group of people 海报中的模特;〔部分人眼中的〕美男,美女 He’s becoming the thinking woman’s pin-up. 他正成为有思想的女性的偶像。Examples from the Corpuspin-up• A pin-up was tacked to the wall with drawing pins, whereas a reproduction print was carefully framed and positioned.• The shop's youngest fixture is a nearly-clothed pin-up.• He kept no pin-up on his locker, he was never seen writing a letter of any sort, let alone a love-missive.• The picture was as flat and uncommunicative as all his pictures and seemed to be an asexual kind of pin-up.• The pin-up, Mark, got torn down.ˈpin-up nounChineseSyllable  many often picture wearing of person, a not Corpus an attractive




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