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单词 pinkish
释义  Related topics: Colourspink·ish /ˈpɪŋkɪʃ/ adjective  CCslightly pink 浅粉红色的 the pinkish glow of the fire 略呈粉红的火焰Examples from the Corpuspinkish• Roast for about 1 hour until the meat is pinkish.• Green or yellow skin with pinkish blue base.• The same materials, thrown into the Martian atmosphere by strong winds, give the Martian sky a pinkish color.• Scallops come in two sizes: the large white cubes from sea scallops and the smaller pinkish cubes from bay scallops.• They are pinkish grey, and the small worms may be seen partly protruding from their surfaces.• He had watched it in early May, as the tiny breaking leaves spread a pinkish haze over the magnificent skeleton.• pinkish-lavender flowers• Grolux tubes are great for promoting plant growth, but they do give everything a pinkish tinge.• When he opened his eyes again he was staring at a pinkish whirlpool running into the·ish adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus slightly pink




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