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单词 beauty
释义 Word family  noun beautician beauty adjective beautiful adverb beautifully  beau·ty /ˈbjuːti/ ●●● S3 W2 noun (plural beauties)  1  appearance 外表 [uncountable]BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKING a quality that people, places, or things have that makes them very attractive to look at 美,美丽,漂亮 her beauty and grace 她的美貌和优雅风姿 an area of outstanding natural beauty 一个自然风景极美的地区 Millions of dollars are spent each year on beauty products. 每年都有上千万的钱花在美容产品上。2  woman 女性BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKING [countable] a woman who is very beautiful 美人 She was considered a great beauty in her youth. 她年轻时被视为大美人。3  poem/music/emotion etc 诗歌/音乐/情感等 [uncountable]GOOD/EXCELLENT a quality that something such as a poem, song, emotion etc has that gives you pleasure or joy 美感beauty of the beauty of Shakespeare’s verse 莎士比亚诗歌的美4  advantage 优点the beauty of something GOOD POINT OR CHARACTERISTICa particularly good quality that makes something especially suitable or useful 某事物的优点[好处、妙处] The beauty of e-mail is its speed and ease of use. 电子邮件的好处就是快捷和便利。5  GOOD EXAMPLE[countable] spokenUNUSUAL a very good, large etc example of something 绝好的东西 You should have seen the boat – a real beauty. 你应该一早看看那艘船——棒极了。6. beauty is in the eye of the beholder BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGused to say that different people have different opinions about what is beautiful 情人眼里出西施;对美的判别因人而异7. beauty is only skin-deep used to say that how someone looks is not as important as a good character 美貌只是一张皮,内在美比外在美更重要n THESAURUSbeauty the quality of being very attractive to look at – used about people, objects, and placesShe was greatly admired for her beauty and intelligence.the natural beauty of the landscape.The Ancient Greeks created statues of outstanding beauty and dignity.somebody’s good looks someone’s attractive appearance, especially their face and featuresWith his dark good looks, Jason could have been a film star.glamour an exciting quality which makes someone or something seem attractive and connected with wealth and successMen loved her for her beauty and her glamour.Add a black lace top for a touch of glamour.aesthetic adjective connected with beauty and the study of beautyThe aesthetic value of their work is easy to appreciate.the declining aesthetic standards of our civilizationThe aesthetic qualities in a Buddhist sculpture are similar to those in any other work of art.Examples from the Corpusbeauty• She was once considered quite a beauty.• He had written a poem about Sylvia, praising her charm and beauty.• This was the birthplace of the Renaissance and its streets revel in artistic beauty.• Today the bucolic beauty of the region hides a deeply entrenched and long-standing poverty.• She has a sort of degenerate beauty.• I found the temple a place of great beauty.• But even the hidden threat down there was part of its beauty for him.• Millions are spent every year on beauty products.• Eric's new car is a real beauty.• I was impressed by the beauty and warmth of the people.• Shaw was moved by the beauty of Handel's music.• This may help one to see the beauty and wisdom of the natural world in a much more positive light.• the beauty of America's national parks• the beauty of the countryside in spring• After that we found more dead birds, their beauty still unspoiled.• This beauty comes from Sumatra and prefers soft acid water, which will coax out its best colouration.natural beauty• Pamper a friend with a natural beauty product by post.• This is a very large tank indeed, a place of great natural beauty and the centrepiece of Gol-Oya National Park.• Our grandchildren should not have to live in a world stripped of its natural beauty.• Traffic is horrendous, walking dangerous and any semblance of natural beauty largely absent.• Formerly farmland, it's in the Blythe Valley, an area of outstanding natural beauty with topography just made for golf.• An area of outstanding natural beauty.• So conservationists hope they can preserve the area's outstanding natural beauty and cater for the tourists too.• The verderers also have powers for the preservation of the natural beauty and the flora and fauna of the forest.Origin beauty (1200-1300) Old French biauté, from bel, biau “beautiful”, from Latin bellus “pretty”beau·ty noun →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  quality people, a places, Corpus things that or




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