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单词 pinhead
释义  Related topics: Daily lifepin·head /ˈpɪnhed/ noun [countable]  Dthe small round part at one end of a pin 〔大头针的〕针头Examples from the Corpuspinhead• Use morning and/or night and dot a pinhead amount underneath and around the outside edge.• Grains the size of a pinhead are ideal.• The computer will ultimately collapse to a pinhead that can respond tO the human vOice.• It triggered an image of a diver shooting to the surface with a pinhead of breath, his arm like Excalibur.• Only that pinhead J. D. Hayworth has remained a loyal lackey.• I have to deal with pinheads like him all day at·head nounChineseSyllable  small at the round Corpus part one end




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