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单词 beautiful
释义 Word family  noun beautician beauty adjective beautiful adverb beautifully  beau·ti·ful /ˈbjuːtəfəl/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective  1  BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGsomeone or something that is beautiful is extremely attractive to look at 美丽的,美好的,优美的 She was even more beautiful than I had remembered. 她比我记忆中更美。 a beautiful bunch of flowers 一束美丽的花2  GOOD/EXCELLENTvery good or giving you great pleasure 极好的,妙极的 SYN lovely beautiful music 美妙的音乐 What a beautiful shot! 多么漂亮的射门! The weather was beautiful. 天气好极了。► see thesaurus at good —beautifully adverb THESAURUSperson 人beautiful a beautiful woman or child has perfect good looks 〔女子或儿童〕美丽的,漂亮的Grace Kelly was a very beautiful woman. 格蕾丝·凯丽是一个非常美丽的女人。a beautiful baby 一个漂亮的宝宝good-looking a good-looking person looks nice. Good-looking is very common in spoken English 好看的,漂亮的〔口语中很常用〕He’s a good-looking guy, but he’s a bit boring. 他相貌不错,但性格有点乏味。nDo you think she’s good-looking?attractive an attractive person looks nice, especially in a way that makes you feel sexually interested in them 有吸引力的,有魅力的〔尤指性感〕She’s a very attractive woman. 她是个相当有魅力的女人。A lot of women find him attractive. 很多女人觉得他很有魅力。pretty a pretty girl or woman looks nice – used especially about a woman who has a nice face 〔女性〕漂亮的,好看的〔尤指相貌标致〕You look pretty with your hair down. 你把头发披散下来看上去很漂亮。nShe has a very pretty face.handsome a handsome man or boy looks nice – used especially about a man who has a nice face. Handsome is also sometimes used, especially in literature, to describe a woman who is good-looking and has a strong face 〔男子〕英俊的,漂亮的〔尤指相貌端正〕;〔女子〕美丽而轮廓分明的〔尤用于文学作品中〕He was tall, dark, and handsome. 他身材高挑,肤色黝黑,非常英俊。nShe was a big, handsome woman.gorgeous/stunning spoken extremely attractive. Gorgeous is used especially by women 非常漂亮的,极其吸引人的〔gorgeous尤为女性使用〕She thinks Brad Pitt is gorgeous. 她觉得布拉德·皮特帅极了。You look absolutely stunning in that dress! 你穿那条裙子太漂亮了!cute spoken nice to look at – used about animals, babies, children, and young adults 漂亮的,逗人喜爱的〔用于动物、婴儿、儿童和小青年〕a cute little puppy 可爱的小狗She thinks you’re cute! 她觉得你很可爱!lovely spoken used when saying that someone looks very nice 美丽的,迷人的You look lovely tonight. 今晚你看上去很迷人。place/thing etc 地方/事物等beautiful used to describe something that looks, feels, sounds etc so good that it gives you a lot of pleasure 极好的,优美的,美妙的a beautiful tropical beach 一片美丽的热带沙滩a beautiful song 一首动听的歌曲The weather was beautiful. 天气很好。lovely spoken used when saying that something looks, feels, or sounds very nice 好的,佳的What a lovely day! 多好的天气!a lovely voice 动听的嗓音na lovely perfume pretty pleasant to look at – often used about things that are not big or impressive 〔常指不大或不抢眼的事物〕漂亮的,好看的a pretty little pink dress 一条漂亮的粉红色小裙子a pretty village 一座风景秀丽的村庄attractive pleasant to look at. Attractive sounds more formal than pretty 有吸引力的,漂亮的〔attractive比 pretty正式〕an attractive white-painted cottage with green shutters 绿窗白墙的美丽村舍nan attractive citymagnificent very big, beautiful, and impressive – used about buildings, objects, and views 〔建筑、物品或景色〕宏伟的,壮丽的;华丽的The Taj Mahal always looks magnificent. 泰姬陵看上去总是那么宏伟。a magnificent Persian carpet 一条华美的波斯地毯nThere were magnificent views over the old city. picturesque written pleasant to look at – used in written descriptions of towns, buildings, and places 美丽的,如画的〔用于对城镇、建筑和地方的书面描写〕the picturesque harbour town of Castleton 风景如画的海港城卡斯尔顿nRegensburg Cathedral occupies a picturesque position on the River Danube in Bavaria.stunning/breathtaking extremely beautiful and impressive – used especially about views 〔尤指景色〕极具吸引力的,令人惊叹的 All around is a stunning view of Cape Town. 四周是开普敦的迷人美景。The landscape is breathtaking. 景色十分迷人。exquisite /ɪkˈskwɪzət, ˈekskwɪ-/ used to describe things that have very beautiful small details, especially things that have been made with a lot of skill 〔尤指工艺制品〕精美的,精致的an exquisite piece of jewellery 一件精致的首饰an exquisite flower 精美的花朵nan exquisite picture of a bird of paradise nelegant designed in a way that looks very attractive and has a lot of stylean elegant Neo-Classical building a long and elegant staircasen GRAMMAR: Order of adjectivesIf there is more than one adjective, the adjectives are usually used in a fixed order. You say: It’s a beautiful old village. ✗Don’t say: It’s an old beautiful village.You say: He has beautiful brown eyes. ✗Don’t say: He has brown beautiful eyes.Examples from the Corpusbeautiful• "Do you like the house?" "Like it? It's beautiful!"• The scenery was incredibly beautiful.• She found it practical as well as beautiful.• The mountains and the lake were calm and beautiful, and at last Elizabeth and I were together.• Now she was under a Christmas tree, the most beautiful and best-decorated tree she could imagine.• Big can be beautiful, and surprisingly few of the buildings here display the empty pedantry conspicuous in contemporary paintings and sculpture.• Parents always believe that their baby is the most beautiful baby in the world.• a beautiful bird with bright blue feathers• a beautiful catch• How did two people like Sara and Rob have such beautiful children?• Florence is such a beautiful city.• That's a beautiful dog. What kind is he?• It reminded him of his homeland, his beautiful land of mountains and lakes.• Their beautiful movement and artistic sign language adds a new dimension to the production.• And she was wearing a beautiful pair of sapphire earrings Zack had bought her in London.• She has a beautiful smile.• Cornwall has some of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in Britain.• Karen was even more beautiful than I had remembered.• You look beautiful tonight.• a restaurant with beautiful views over Sorrento and the Gulf of Naples• Standing in the doorway was a beautiful woman with long black hair and green eyes.• a beautiful woman!beau·ti·ful adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  is to that beautiful someone something Corpus or extremely attractive is




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