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单词 pigsty
释义  Related topics: Agriculturepig·sty /ˈpɪɡstaɪ/ noun (plural pigsties) [countable]  1. TAa building where pigs are kept 猪圈,猪栏 SYN American English pigpen →5 see picture at 见图 home12  UNTIDY informal a very dirty or untidy place 非常肮脏[凌乱]的地方 SYN pigpen American English The house was a pigsty, as usual. 那房子和平时一样,脏得像个猪窝。 →4  See picture of 见图 HOME 1Examples from the Corpuspigsty• I don't know how you can stand living in a pigsty like this.• If she wants to sleep in a pigsty, let her sleep there.• This place is a pigsty! Clean it up.• This room's a pigsty.• They will search every farm, byre, barn, store, cowshed and pigsty until they reach the ten-mile ring.• She saw her father trudging back from the pigsty toward the house.• And the strangest thing, right in the middle of the pigsty, was a big brass bed.• I suggest you whitewash out the pigsties and the cowsheds.• Remember how they whitewashed the pigsties before they'd let their men sleep there?pig·sty nounChineseSyllable  a building pigs Corpus kept are where




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