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单词 personification
释义 Word family  noun person personality persona personage the personals personification personnel adjective personal ≠ impersonal personalized personable verb personalize personify adverb personally ≠ impersonally  per·son·i·fi·ca·tion /pəˌsɒnɪfɪˈkeɪʃən $ pərˌsɑː-/ noun  1  the personification of something TYPICALsomeone who is a perfect example of a quality because they have a lot of it 某事物的化身 He became the personification of the financial excess of the 1980s. 他成了20世纪80年代金融过热时期的一个典型。2  [countable, uncountable]SIGN/SYMBOL the representation of a thing or a quality as a person, in literature or art 〔文学或艺术中的〕拟人化,人格化personification of the personification of rivers in fifth-century art 五世纪艺术中对河流的拟人化Examples from the Corpuspersonification• The arch spandrels are decorated by figures of winged victory and personifications of rivers.• Political integrity assumes a particularly deep personification of the community or state.• Hera becomes an impartial, giving and destroying, personification of nature at its most hidden.• But I must be clearer what kind of personification this is.• the poem's personification of the moon• Mait had trained him to be the personification of Death, his own private Baron Samedi.• Its hooting was thought to presage death, for owls were the personification of restless spirits returning to earth to seek revenge.• He is, you will also have gathered, the very personification of an arts education commercial.• We find other and even more important examples of working personification in the logic of individual political rights against the state.per·son·i·fi·ca·tion nounChineseSyllable  of perfect someone a Corpus is example who




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