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单词 perplexed
释义  per·plexed /pəˈplekst $ pər-/ adjective  CONFUSEDconfused and worried by something that you do not understand 困惑的,茫然的 SYN puzzled The student looked at him, perplexed. 那个学生看着他,一脸的茫然。 Perplexed investors tried to work out what the deal meant. 投资者感到困惑,试图搞清这个协议意味着什么。 —perplexedly /pəˈpleksədli, -ˈplekstli $ pər-/ adverbExamples from the Corpusperplexed• The sudden ups and downs of the stock market have left analysts perplexed.• What's wrong? You look perplexed.• Ideas and Information is a guide for the perplexed.• Mr. Straw I can not understand the Secretary of State is looking perplexed.• Julie, perplexed by her boyfriend's sudden outburst, kept out of his way.• I arrived perplexed, cold and totally ill-prepared as a young naval officer at Wilhelmshaven that winter.• The perplexed driver took him to a police station - which then contacted Steve.• Mr Rice was staring at the report with a perplexed expression on his face.• A little perplexed, he left the second mug of Pils on the table.• One is perplexed how it affects the rest of the lunar cycle.per·plexed adjectiveChineseSyllable  do Corpus that and worried confused something you by




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