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单词 permanent
释义  per·ma·nent1 /ˈpɜːmənənt $ ˈpɜːr-/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective  LONG TIMEcontinuing to exist for a long time or for all the time in the future 长久的;永久的,永恒的 OPP temporary He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance. 他放弃了固定工作,为的是当一名自由职业者。 a permanent change in your eating habits 饮食习惯的永久改变 The blindness that the disease causes will be permanent. 这种疾病引起的失明是永久性的。 Miller soon became a permanent fixture (=someone or something that is always there) on the team. 米勒很快就成为球队的固定队员。 —permanence (also permanency) noun [uncountable] the permanence of parental love 父母永恒的爱 our desire for some sense of permanence 我们对某种永恒感的渴望 THESAURUSpermanent continuing forever, for a very long time, or for the rest of your life 永久的,永恒的She has permanent damage to her eyesight. 她的视力受到了永久性损伤。the search for a permanent solution to the problem 寻找永久解决这一问题的办法They’ve offered her the job on a permanent basis. 他们提供给她的这份工作是长期的。lasting continuing for a very long time – used especially when something continues to affect someone or something for a long time 持久的,耐久的The experience left a lasting impression on him. 这一经历给他留下了不可磨灭的印象。Things that happen in early childhood can have a lasting effect on your life. 婴幼时期的经历会对人的一生造成永久的影响。Shelley was to have a lasting influence on him. 谢利会对他有深远的影响。Is there any hope for a lasting peace in the Middle East? 中东是否有望实现持久和平?never-ending continuing so long that you think it will never end – used especially when something needs a lot of effort 〔尤指需要大费气力的事物〕永无止境的;没完没了的Keeping the house clean is a never-ending battle. 保持屋内清洁是一场永无休止的战斗。It was a never-ending task. 那是一项没有尽头的任务。The search was never-ending. 搜寻工作一直没有停止。perpetual a perpetual state or feeling seems to be there all the time – used especially about something that is very annoying, worrying, or tiring 〔尤指令人讨厌、担忧或劳累的事物〕持久的,无休无止的For many working mothers, balancing the demands of children and job is a perpetual challenge. 对许多上班的母亲而言,平衡小孩和工作的需求是一项无休止的挑战。The people live in a perpetual state of fear. 这些人生活在无休止的恐惧之中。everlasting continuing forever – used especially in the following phrases 永久的,永恒的〔尤用于以下短语〕Gold is the symbol of everlasting love. 金子象征着永恒的爱。He promised them everlasting life. 他应许他们得永生。eternal continuing forever – used especially in the following phrases 永久的,永恒的〔尤用于以下短语〕Do you believe in eternal life? 你是否相信永生?the secret of eternal youth 永葆青春的秘诀She has my eternal gratitude (=I will always be grateful to her). 我永远感激她。nYou’re always the eternal optimist. (=you always think that good things will happen)Examples from the Corpuspermanent• Only five of the firm's employees are permanent.• Kinship is binding and permanent but permits no choice of personnel, the individual must accept the relatives he has.• The fifteen Calders join seven in the museum's permanent collection, including three mobiles previously given by the Horwiches.• The car accident has caused permanent damage to her eyesight.• Draw a rough sketch and then translate them all in a permanent fashion to the wall.• In the Sahara there are great areas of sand where there are no permanent landmarks from which to construct one.• Once the customer decides to buy the software, Hewlett provides a password over the phone granting a permanent licence.• Most police departments keep a permanent record of all violent crimes committed in their area.• Mr. Lo has applied for permanent residence in the U.S.• He liked to sit seeing others, including the permanent secretaries, arguing in front of him.• In the summer they go right up into the mountains, way beyond the permanent snow-line.permanent fixture• It was one of those grey February evenings when winter seemed a permanent fixture.• Like Ross Vartian's museum, it will be a permanent fixture.• A photographers platform on the platform-less side became a permanent fixture allowing photographers to get next to the lip to capture the action.• As the only permanent fixture in a constantly changing group, Sinclair Goodlad maintains continuity and lays down the scheme's philosophy.• Let's hope he keeps it up, and makes himself a permanent fixture in the side.• Both had highly promising futures and were expected to become permanent fixtures in the Springbok side before long.• The jokes have been flying thick and fast since he became a permanent fixture on Hallowe'en.• But a room divider doesn't have to be a permanent fixture, particularly if you don't have much space.Related topics: Hair & beautypermanent2 noun [countable]  American EnglishDCB a perm1 烫发From Longman Business Dictionarypermanentper‧ma‧nent /ˈpɜːmənəntˈpɜːr-/ adjective1permanent contract/job/employmentHUMAN RESOURCES a contract, job etc that is intended to continue for a long time or for everThe company has created 650 permanent jobs.He is acting chief executive, and under consideration for a permanent appointment.2permanent employee/worker/staffHUMAN RESOURCES an employee, worker etc whom a company intends to employ for a long time or for everThe company said some of the plant’s 900 permanent employees would be reassigned. → compare temporaryOrigin permanent1 (1400-1500) Latin present participle of permanere “to stay till the end”per·ma·nent1 adjective →THESAURUS1permanent2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  for to or Business for Corpus continuing a time exist long




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