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单词 performance art
释义  perˈformance ˌart noun [uncountable]  a type of art that can combine acting, dance, painting, film etc to express an idea 综合表演艺术;杂合艺术 —performance artist noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusperformance art• The most successful of the human oddities, Taylor says, were those who could present their deformities as performance art.• The second is intensely combative performance art, and just about self-financing.• Garner knows about the challenge of performance art.• A programme of performance art to be announced with this exhibition.• The materials of Fluxus artists were mainly ephemeral or paper-based, or centred on performance art, presenting problems for exhibition organisers.• Some performance art does contain gratuitous violence.• No matter how he strutted and screamed, the end result was more like watching performance art than hearing a concert.perˈformance ˌart nounChineseSyllable  that of a Corpus art can combine type




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