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单词 perfect pitch
释义  Related topics: Musicˌperfect ˈpitch noun [uncountable]  APMthe ability to correctly name any musical note that you hear, or to sing any note at the correct pitch without the help of an instrument 绝对音感〔听到音高后准确说出音名或不借助乐器唱出音高的能力〕Examples from the Corpusperfect pitch• The woodwind maintained a perfect pitch and, like the strings and brass, produced a consistently voluptuous sound.• In pastoral terms, the program had perfect pitch.• Tom had perfect pitch and a wonderful recall and he could sing whole passages from Boccherini's aviary music.• You had perfect pitch, my love.• I have neither perfect pitch nor a head for mathematics, and anyway who wants to compute the speed of history?• In essays on whisky-tasting, sheath knives, deer hunting, he has a kind of perfect pitch.• Computer games that require a player to recognise perfect pitch might also help, Saffran says.• But the five people in Saffran's group with perfect pitch had started learning aged four.ˌperfect ˈpitch nounChineseSyllable  ability to that any name you note musical Corpus correctly the




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