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单词 peregrination
释义  per·e·gri·na·tion /ˌperəɡrəˈneɪʃən/ noun [countable] literary  TRAVELa long journey 漫长的旅途;游历 His peregrinations took him to India. 他游历到了印度。Examples from the Corpusperegrination• If they break off their constant peregrinations, their voice seizes up and they lose their memory.• His peregrinations took him to India and China.• His peregrinations of the islands at election time were always diverting public entertainments.• His peregrinations round the countryside continued, often accompanied by disturbance.• The pages that follow chart my peregrinations through the engrossing world of pentecostalism.• She would interrupt her nocturnal peregrinations to stuff into herself anything she could find to eat.• In truth, these peregrinations required the talents of a mountain goat.per·e·gri·na·tion nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a long journey




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