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单词 beard
释义  Related topics: Hair & beautybeard1 /bɪəd $ bɪrd/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1. DCBhair that grows around a man’s chin and cheeks 胡须,髯 → moustache2. HBAsomething similar to a beard, such as hair growing on an animal’s chin 须状物〔如动物的颔毛等〕 —bearded adjectiveExamples from the Corpusbeard• Beyond the great sweep of blue trouser and the distant clouds of sweater was a beard.• Certainly with his long, jet-black, forked beard, he looked the part.• Models sported immaculate centre-parted shoulder-length hair and the beginnings of goatee beards.• But his beard seems to belong to another man and another time.• Gyggle steepled his freckled fingers and tucked them under a tier of the beard.• Some of their fathers wore beards.beard2 verb [transitive]  beard somebody (in their den) TELLto go and see someone who has influence or authority, and tell them what you want, why you disagree with them etc 摸老虎屁股,老虎头上拍苍蝇,太岁头上动土〔指敢于当面责问有权势者〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbeard• When a barrister comes to address your University or College law society, you can beard him on the subject.Origin beard Old Englishbeard1 nounbeard2 verbChinese  around grows hair Corpus a man’s that and chin




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