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单词 panic-stricken
释义  ˈpanic-ˌstricken adjective  FRIGHTENEDso frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly 惊慌失措的,恐慌万分的 Lucy suddenly looked panic-stricken. 露西突然显得惊恐万状。Examples from the Corpuspanic-stricken• Mr Cottle dashed in, looking panic-stricken.• In a panic-stricken attempt to free herself from Annie's grip, she snatched the scissors off the table.• A horse may steal your jumper and then become panic-stricken because it is chasing him!• Still no sound escaped, only a rush of panic-stricken breath.• Now that she had offered to stay she was almost panic-stricken by her own actions.• Isabel screamed again, twisting her head from side to side, catapulted brutally into panic-stricken hysteria.• Still no gas, still no bombs, we were so panic-stricken in those early days.• He reminded Dexter of a panic-stricken mole who had suddenly found himself trapped outside his burrow.• Panic-stricken passengers trampled one another rushing for the exits.• The panic-stricken people in the town thought only that they would be killed or enslaved and their city ruined.• I did the only sensible thing any panic-stricken woman would have done under similar circumstances: I packed.ˈpanic-ˌstricken adjectiveChineseSyllable  so you think clearly cannot Corpus frightened that




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