单词 |
pacifism |
释义 |
Word family noun peace peacefulness pacifier pacifism pacifist adjective peaceful peaceable pacifist verb pacify adverb peacefully peaceably Related topics: Policiespac·i·fis·m /ˈpæsəfɪzəm/ noun [uncountable] PPPthe belief that war and violence are always wrong 和平主义,反战主义Examples from the Corpuspacifism• This generation had come of age working on practical issues of feminism, pacifism, civil rights, and environmentalism.• His pacifism, like his social philosophy, was a slow growth.• However, this was not due to any genuine belief in pacifism.• We discussed my pacifism, and on one occasion I denied my convictions, just to be on his side.• She was converted to pacifism by the Quaker Hilda Clark, while at university during the Boer war.• They objected to materials that expose children to feminism, witchcraft, pacifism, vegetarianism, and situational ethics.• They are believed to have been non-violent, adhering scrupulously to an other-worldly pacifism.Origin pacifism (1900-2000) French pacifisme, from pacifique; → PACIFICpac·i·fis·m nounChineseSyllable the belief always Corpus war that and violence are |
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- hypothesizing
- hypothetical
- hypothetically
- hypotheticals
- hysterectomies
- hysterectomy
- hysteria
- hysterical
- hysterically
- hysterics
- Hyundai
- Hz
- Häagen Dazs
- häagen-dazs
- häagendazs
- Héloïse
- H₂O
- I
- i-
- -i
- I-25, I-40 etc
- IA
- Iacocca, Lee
- iacocca,-lee
- iacocca,lee
- Xanthomonas
- Quasi-judicial
- Immateriality
- Reproducibility
- In vacuo
- Cutlet
- Suck out
- Ultrashort
- Window frame
- District of columbia
- 自在流畅的自我
- 自在独行
- 自在飞花轻似梦,无边丝雨细如愁
- 自天子以至于庶人,未有无所畏而不亡者也。天子者上畏天,下畏民,畏言官于一时,畏史官于后世。百官畏君,群吏畏长吏,百姓畏上,君子畏公议,小人畏刑,子弟畏父兄,卑幼畏家长。畏则不敢肆而德以成,无畏则从其所欲而及于祸,非生知安行之圣人,未有无所畏而能成其德者也。
- 自天子以至于庶人,自尧舜以至于途之人,必有所以汲汲皇皇者,而后其德进、其业成。故曰鸡鸣而起,舜、跖之徒皆有所孳孳也。无所用心,孔子忧之曰:“不有博弈者乎?”惧无所孳孳者,不舜则跖也。今之君子纵无所用心而不至于为跖,然饱食终日,惰慢弥年,既不作山林散客,又不问庙堂急务,如醉如痴,以了日月,《易》所谓“君子进德修业,欲及时也”,果是之谓乎?如是而自附于清品高贤,吾不信也。孟子论历圣道统心传,不出“忧勤
- 自始至终的意思,自始至终造句
- 自委质后,此身原不属我。朝廷名分,为朝廷守之。一毫贬损不得,非抗也;一毫高亢不得,非卑也。朝廷法纪为朝廷执之,一毫徇人不得,非固也;一毫任己不得,非葸也。
- 自委质后,终日做底是朝廷官,执底是朝廷法,干底是朝廷事。荣辱在君,爱憎在人,进退在我。吾辈而今错处把官认作自家官,所以万事顾不得,只要保全这个在,扶持这个尊。此虽是第二等说话,然见得这个透,还算五分人。
- 自媒之女,丑而不信。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 自孔子时,便说史不阙文,又曰文胜质则史,把史字就作了一伪字看。如今读史,只看他治乱兴亡足为法戒,至于是非真伪,总是除外底。譬之听戏文一般,何须问他真伪,只是足为感创,便于风化有关。但有一桩可恨处,只缘当真看,把伪底当真;只缘当伪看,又把真底当伪。这里便宜了多少小人,亏枉了多少君子。
- 自学成才的化学家
- 自学成才的华罗庚
- 自学成才的卢武铉
- 自学成才的富兰克林
- 自学成才的王冕
- Goy句子
- Lithium句子
- Aggregate output句子
- Froggy句子
- Flimflam句子
- Extrasensory句子
- Extramarital句子
- Phonological句子
- Bottomless句子
- Atomic weight句子
- Colloid句子
- Malodor句子
- Time of life句子
- Airplane ticket句子
- Counterargument句子