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单词 overreact
释义 Word family  noun reaction reactor reactionary overreaction adjective reactionary reactive verb react overreact  o·ver·re·act /ˌəʊvəriˈækt $ ˌoʊ-/ verb [intransitive]  REACTto react to something with too much emotion, or by doing something that is unnecessary 反应过激overreact to You always overreact to criticism. 你对批评总是反应过激。 Many investors overreacted to the stock market crash. 许多投资者对股市的崩溃反应过激。 —overreaction /-riˈækʃən/ noun [singular, uncountable] Their response was an overreaction. 他们的反应过于强烈。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoverreact• It means that when we are irritable, tired, worried, or in pain we may overreact.• Afterward, the band manager was quoted as saying that anyone who objected was overreacting.• Don't you think you're overreacting a little? I'm only ten minutes late.• Some analysts believe the bank overreacted, and that interest rates did not really need to rise.• Don't you think you're overreacting? I only said "hi". It's not as if we're having an affair!• Patrick had been accused of overreacting the previous day.• And he tended to overreact to any problems.• As a result, it will be important that the United States not overreact to inevitable demonstrations and protests.• No source of trouble now need be permanent unless you make it so by overreacting to it.• I think people have overreacted to the advertisement - we didn't intend of offend anyone.• Some residents overreact to the problem of crime by just not going out at all.• I also find it quite interesting that the National Rivers Authority are urging people not to overreact to the problem.• The state has dramatically overreacted to the use of soft drugs.• They will not need to overreact with despair or anger.• Overreacting with shock when a child uses a swear word is likely to make him use it again.overreact to• It's normal for parents to overreact to their child getting hurt.o·ver·re·act verbChineseSyllable  to Corpus to by with react something emotion, or too much




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