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单词 overjoyed
释义  o·ver·joyed /ˌəʊvəˈdʒɔɪd $ ˌoʊvər-/ adjective [not before noun]  HAPPYextremely pleased or happy 极为高兴的,十分开心的overjoyed to hear/find/see etc something He was overjoyed to see his mother again. 他又见到了他母亲,非常开心。overjoyed at She wasn’t exactly overjoyed at the prospect of looking after two small boys. 想到要照看两个小男孩,她一点也不开心。overjoyed (that) Her parents were overjoyed that she’d been found alive. 发现她还活着,她的父母欣喜若狂。► see thesaurus at happyExamples from the Corpusoverjoyed• Far from being overjoyed at the apparent climbdown protesters believe it's a plot to throw them off their guard.• I mounted the steps and shook hands with Biondo and told him how overjoyed I was to see him again.• She was overjoyed to hear that their plan was working.• My parents were overjoyed to see my brother again.• The very idea is preposterous and I was overjoyed to see that you believed me.• Thacker was not overjoyed to see them, but he played along, switching on the charm.• The young lord was overjoyed to see what a beautiful wife his friends had found for him.• Naturally I was overjoyed when I was offered the part in the play.• I knew my mother would be overjoyed when she heard the news.overjoyed (that)• My parents were not overjoyed by this.• I made a little speech to the effect that we are overjoyed to be in Sydney.• Thacker was not overjoyed to see them, but he played along, switching on the charm.• The young lord was overjoyed to see what a beautiful wife his friends had found for him.• She wrote to him and was overjoyed when she received a letter from him in reply.o·ver·joyed adjectiveChineseSyllable  happy or Corpus pleased extremely




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