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单词 overdressed
释义  Related topics: Clotheso·ver·dressed /ˌəʊvəˈdrest◂ $ ˌoʊvər-/ adjective  DCCdressed in clothes that are too formal for the occasion 〔对某种场合来说〕穿着过于正式的 OPP underdressed She felt overdressed in her smart suit. 她觉得自己穿着这身漂亮套装显得过于正式了。 —overdress verb [intransitive]Examples from the Corpusoverdressed• Not one of them was not overdressed.• She took various forms, but was usually overdressed and over voluble.• Juliet wondered if she were overdressed, but the admiring look he gave her dispelled that thought.• We were completely overdressed for the party.• Nor was she about to lose her jacket to a gaggle of overdressed hooligans.• The bridge-playing girls had arrived, a collection of overdressed, overpainted forty-year-olds.• It was decorated with an overdressed pale-blue rabbit in non-toxic paint.o·ver·dressed adjectiveChineseSyllable  formal too clothes for that occasion are in the Corpus dressed




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