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- give somebody away
- give somebody a wide berth
- give somebody chapter and verse
- give somebody enough rope
- give somebody enough rope to hang themselves
- give somebody first refusal on something
- give somebody five
- give somebody free rein
- give somebody/get a fair shake
- give somebody/get a roasting
- give somebody/get a walloping
- give somebody/get (some) stick
- (give somebody/get) the cold shoulder
- give somebody grief
- give somebody gyp
- give somebody/have a heart attack
- give (somebody) head
- give somebody head
- give somebody hell
- give somebody ideas ideas into somebody's head
- give somebody ideas/put ideas into somebody's head
- give somebody pause
- give somebody pause (for thought)
- give somebody pause for thought
- give somebody put ideas into somebody's head
- Laying on of hands
- Chenin blanc
- Call barring
- Of any
- Flight strip
- Lacquerware
- Winemaker
- Collocate with
- Crouse
- Threshold value
- 湿润词义,湿润组词,湿润造句
- 湿温生物,湿热长物,燥热成物,凄凉杀物,严寒养物。湿温,冲和之气也;湿热,蒸发之气也;燥热,燔灼之气也。凄凉,杀气,阴壮而阳微也;严寒,敛气,阴外激而阳内培也。五气惟严寒最仁。
- 湿热体质
- 溃不成军·落荒而逃是什么意思
- 溃不成军的意思,溃不成军的近义词,反义词,造句
- 溃不成军的意思,溃不成军造句
- 溃不成军的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 溃不成军的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 溃不成军;所向披靡的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 溃痈虽痛,胜于养肉;及溺呼舶,悔之无及。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文