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单词 opposite
释义 Word family  noun opposition opposite adjective opposed ≠ unopposed opposing opposite verb oppose adverb opposite  op·po·site1 /ˈɒpəzət $ ˈɑːp-/ ●●● S2 W2 preposition  1  OPPOSITE/FACE especially British English if one thing or person is opposite another, they are facing each other 在…的对面 The people sitting opposite us looked very familiar. 坐在我们对面的那些人看上去很面熟。 on the wall opposite the door 在门对面的墙上 ► Do not say that one thing is ‘opposite to’ or ‘opposite of’ another. Say that one thing is opposite another: There’s a car park opposite the hotel.不要说 one thing is ‘opposite to’ 或 ‘opposite of’ another. 而要说 one thing is opposite another: There’s a car park opposite the hotel. 酒店对面有一个停车场。2  play/star/appear etc opposite somebody to act with someone in a film, especially as the two main characters 〔在影片中〕和某人联袂主演,和某人演对手戏 a comedy in which he stars opposite Julia Roberts 他和朱莉娅•罗伯茨联袂主演的一部喜剧片Examples from the Corpusopposite• Put the piano opposite the sofa.opposite2 ●●● S3 W2 adjective [only before noun]  1  OPPOSITE/REVERSEas different as possible from something else 对立的,截然相反的,完全不同的 I thought the medicine would make him sleep, but it had the opposite effect. 我以为这药会让他睡觉,但是它却起了反作用。at the opposite end of the scale/spectrum two parties at opposite ends of the political spectrum 政治立场截然对立的两个党派 At the opposite extreme, Ashworth’s style is very simple and modern. 截然相反的是,阿什沃思的风格非常简单和现代。 Bob was quicker than Ed? It’s usually the opposite way round. 鲍勃比埃德快?通常是反过来的。opposite to a political philosophy that was opposite to everything she believed in 和她的所有信仰相悖的一种政治哲学2  OPPOSITE/FACEthe opposite direction, way etc is directly away from someone or something 〔方向〕相反的 She turned and walked off in the opposite direction. 她转身朝反方向走掉了。 But the sign was pointing the opposite way. 可是指示牌却指着相反的方向。3  OPPOSITE/FACEthe opposite side, corner, edge etc of something is on the other side of the same area, often facing it 〔边、角等〕对面的,相对的 The store was on the opposite side of the street. 商店在街对面。 the drawing on the opposite page 对页上的图画 They work at opposite ends of the country (=a long distance apart), so only see each other at weekends. 他们虽在同一国家工作,但各在一方,因此只能在周末见面。4  the opposite sex SEX/GENDERthe other sex. If you are a man, women are the opposite sex 异性 members of the opposite sex 异性成员5  somebody’s opposite number SAMEsomeone who has the same job in another similar organization 〔在另一个类似的机构中〕居相同职位的人,职务对等的人 a meeting with her opposite number at the Department of Health 她和卫生部同级官员之间的一次会议Examples from the Corpusopposite• Getting angry with him didn't work, so I tried the opposite approach.• It is strange how two scientists studying the same problem can come to completely opposite conclusions.• He saw the propeller contact something and then appear to rotate in the opposite direction as the engine stopped.• Raising interest rates to slow the economy may have the opposite effect.• The medicine was supposed to make him sleepy, but it had the opposite effect.• two words with opposite meanings• My opposite numbers, you understand.• As shown in the figure on the opposite page, these new elements represent the results that each technique tends to yield.• Margaret has very strong opinions, but she always tries to understand the opposite point of view.• During the summer there wasn't enough rain, but now we have the opposite problem.• The sun has come to a standstill, hours above the river and the opposite shore.• McFarlane, who had no exact counterpart on the opposite side, stood with Nitze and Max Kampelman.• We have opposite viewpoints on almost everything.• We're good friends, but we have opposite views when it comes to politics.opposite to• a political philosophy that was opposite to everything she believed inthe opposite way• Instead of the government spending its resources for defense, we must turn it the opposite way.• On the other hand, the opposing approach used by social anthropologists and ethnographers fails as a solution in the opposite way.• She glowered in our direction and then lit out the opposite way.• Maggie's gone the opposite way from Tesco's; her heels are sinking into grass.• Not to mention the bumps and bruises on the centre's staff going the opposite way in a hurry.• We encountered no one besides a farmer on a tractor going the opposite way, outside Cordova.• But District 13 had done it in the opposite way: through strong, autocratic leadership.• And if the under-sheet is rotated the opposite way to the top one the patient need not even get out.on the opposite side of• Primo waves his hand at his own reflection and that of the empty seat on the opposite side of the aisle.• Instead, the former World Champion lunged at a white bishop on the opposite side of the board.• But the play was called back after Kofi Nartey was called for holding on the opposite side of the field.• The Show was held in the meadows on the higher ground on the opposite side of the lake.• Even heavy trucks and buses are prohibited; they are confined to the Shenandoah Valley on the opposite side of the mountains.• Puddephat's rooms are on the opposite side of the quad from mine.• I was downstream and on the opposite side of the river.• It was parked beyond his flat on the opposite side of the road.• I think our hotel is on the opposite side of the street.opposite3 ●●○ noun [countable]  1  OPPOSITE/REVERSEa person or thing that is as different as possible from someone or something else 相反的人[事物],对立物opposite of What’s the opposite of ‘optimistic’? “乐观”的反义词是什么? She’s quite shy, the exact opposite of Becky. 她非常害羞,和贝姬正好相反。 The two men were complete opposites – Simon tall and fair, Clive short and dark. 这两人完全相反——西蒙高而白,克莱夫矮而黑。 If anything, the opposite was true. 一定要说什么的话,那就是情况正好相反。 Is it sensible to think of masculine/feminine as polar opposites (=exactly or completely opposite)? 把阳刚和阴柔看成完全的对立面是否有道理?2  not ... just/quite the opposite OPPOSITE/REVERSEused to say that something is completely different from what has just been said 不…,正好/完全相反 I didn’t feel sleepy at all – just the opposite, in fact. 我一点都不困——事实上正好相反。3. opposites attract used to say that often people who have completely different characters become friends or are attracted to each other 相异而相吸n COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2adjectivesthe complete/total oppositeShe is the complete opposite of her sister.the exact/precise/direct oppositeMy own experience says that the exact opposite is true.the polar opposite of something (also polar opposites) (=used about two things, people etc that are completely opposite)These two viewpoints seem like polar opposites.Mum was the polar opposite of dear old Dad.phrasesthe opposite is the case/is truePeople believe the Sun moved around the Earth, but Copernicus showed that the opposite was the case.exactly/precisely the opposite (=completely different than what has been said)It looks simple, but it is exactly the opposite.the very opposite (=exactly the opposite)Exercise does not increase the appetite - in fact, the very opposite is true.just/quite the opposite (=exactly the opposite)He wasn’t laughing. Quite the opposite, in fact.verbsdo the oppositeWhatever I tell him to do, he does the opposite.Examples from the Corpusopposite• The two sisters are complete opposites.• This may not always be so - indeed, the exact opposite may be the case.• Gloraida Malave, for example, was the exact opposite of Mones or Abukar.• Claire Chennault was the temperamental opposite of Stilwell.• In Britain we have the opposite.• Indeed, on a scientific level, the opposite seems to be happening.• Charles Nagy was the opposite, seemingly ready to be assisted out of Camden Yards a half-dozen times.• All postures are mocked by their opposites.polar opposites• These federal decisions are polar opposites.• First of all, is it sensible to think of masculine/feminine as polar opposites?• What may appear in their presentation as polar opposites are in reality shifting points on a continuum.• The two views seem like polar opposites, either-or propositions, thesis and antithesis.• In fact the two strains-puritanism and pentecostalism-seem in some way to be nearly polar opposites.• Eikmeyer's fundamental insight is that co-operation and non-co-operation are not simply polar opposites along a scale.• When you bring together two polar opposites, the classless one will always drag the other one down.opposite4 adverb especially British English  OPPOSITE/FACEin a position on the other side of the same area 在对面 Hannah lives just opposite. 汉娜就住在对面。Examples from the Corpusopposite• My cousin was sitting opposite.• Our Lady of Lourdes looked at the doorway opposite her in a gesture of supplication.• Nell, unsure of the worth of his compliment, nevertheless sat down opposite him, even if temporarily.• She sat opposite him in his office with the door firmly closed.• How could he explain to the old woman sitting opposite him that he wore a five thousand pound watch?• General Vashinov sat opposite him, to his left and half way up the table.• Uncle Albert pointed sternly to the chair opposite him.• It benefits from a lovely site, opposite the parish church and close to farm buildings, away from the village centre.Origin opposite2 (1300-1400) French Latin, past participle of opponere; → OPPOSEop·po·site1 prepositionopposite2 adjectiveopposite3 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1opposite4 adverbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  if Corpus one or person thing is opposite




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