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单词 operating table
释义  Related topics: Hospitalˈoperating ˌtable noun [countable]  MHa special table in an operating theatre which a person lies on when they are having an operation 手术台Examples from the Corpusoperating table• Milton Berle was under a sheet on an operating table.• Facilities for X-ray were installed, and a new operating table and lamp were obtained at a total cost of £150.• A soft whir of white noise issued from a receiver and speakers near the operating table.• Surgical resection proved impossible after he had a cardiac arrest on the operating table.• She died on the operating table.• Doyle's body jerked on the operating table.• Mrs Popple lay on the operating table.• He, Sister Hancock and I ducked under the operating table.ˈoperating ˌtable nounChineseSyllable  in operating table theatre an special a Corpus




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