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单词 ongoing
释义  on·go·ing /ˈɒnˌɡəʊɪŋ $ ˈɑːnˌɡoʊɪŋ, ˈɒːn-/ ●●○ AWL adjective  CONTINUOUScontinuing, or continuing to develop 继续进行的,不断发展的 their ongoing search for a new director 他们仍在寻找一个新主任 ongoing negotiations 还在进行的谈判 The discussions are still ongoing. 讨论仍在继续。 → go on at go1Examples from the Corpusongoing• We all pass through this life as damaged goods, and the repair work is ongoing.• They were like set pieces in their ongoing battle that these days was devoid of any real malice.• The rejuvenated energy of the live show is a good pointer to Carter's ongoing enthusiasm.• an ongoing partnership• Therefore all ongoing programming is in your hands.• Make sure that the provider offers documentation, consultation, and ongoing support.• You could create an ongoing system by continually updating the network and removing old data.• Only in the mid-199Os did efforts to reconcile differences and reduce the ongoing violence achieve some success.on·go·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus develop or continuing, to continuing




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