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单词 old economy
释义  ˌold eˈconomy (also the Old Economy) noun [singular]  an economic system that is based on older types of industry such as steel, energy, and machinery 老式经济体系,旧式经济体系〔以老式工业如钢铁、能源和机械制造为基础的工业体系〕 Is the Old Economy really dead? 老式工业体系真的消亡了吗? —old economy adjective [only before noun] old economy practices 旧式工业体系的惯例Examples from the Corpusold economy• He destroys all the humbug of the talk of equality-from domestic to workplace, from old economy to new technology.• All three served at the pinnacles of the old economy.ˌold eˈconomy nounChineseSyllable  system of an is types that based economic Corpus on older




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