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单词 Oedipus complex
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatry, FamilyOe·di·pus com·plex /ˈiːdəpəs ˌkɒmpleks $ ˈedəpəs ˌkɑːm-/ noun  MPSSFaccording to Freudian psychology, when a son unconsciously feels sexual desire for his mother, combined with a hatred for his father 俄狄浦斯情结,恋母情结〔弗洛伊德心理学中指儿子无意识地依恋母亲并仇视父亲的心理〕Examples from the CorpusOedipus complex• The discovery not of a social reality but of an individual female disease: the Oedipus complex.• The Symbolic order assures him he can maintain his self through the repetition of positions first established in the Oedipus complex.Oe·di·pus com·plex nounChineseSyllable  Freudian feels when son psychology, unconsciously a to according Corpus




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