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单词 basis
释义 Word family  noun base the basics basis adjective baseless basic based verb base adverb basically  ba·sis /ˈbeɪsɪs/ ●●● S2 W1 noun (plural bases /-siːz/)  1  BASIC[countable] the facts, ideas, or things from which something can be developed 基础;根据;基点 Their claim had no basis in fact (=it was not true). 他们的说法没有事实根据。basis of Bread forms the basis of their daily diet. 面包是他们日常饮食中的主食。basis for The video will provide a basis for class discussion. 录像将为课堂讨论提供基本内容。► see thesaurus at reason2  on the basis of something BECAUSEbecause of a particular fact or situation 在某事的基础上;根据某事 discrimination on the basis of sex 性别歧视3  REGULAR[singular] the way that something happens, or the way that something is organized or done 定期/每天/每周等on a regular/daily/weekly etc basis (=regularly, every day, week, etc) I’m saving money on a regular basis. 我定期存钱。n Board meetings are held on a weekly basis. on a voluntary/part-time/temporary etc basis 自愿性质/以兼职的形式/临时性地等 Nurses are employed on a full-time basis. 护士是全职的。n COLLOCATIONSverbsform the basis of somethingThis research will form the basis of a book.provide a basis for somethingThe poem provided the basis for an interesting class discussion.become the basis of/for somethingSome of these ideas became the basis for the Parents’ Educational Union.serve as a basis for somethingThe document will serve as a basis for negotiations.establish a basis (also lay a basis) (=create something from which something can be developed)The agreement established a sound basis for international commerce.have a basisOur constitution has a democratic basis.have no basis in fact (=be not true)Many of these rumours have no basis in fact.adjectivesa good basisLove and trust form a good basis for marriage.a sound/firm/solid basisDrama school may provide a sound basis for an acting career. THESAURUSbasis the facts, ideas, things etc from which something can be developed 基础,要素,基点His work will be used as a basis for future research. 他的工作将作为未来研究的基础。foundation the thing on which something is based, especially something important that continues for a long time 〔尤指长期持续的重要之事的〕根据,基础,基本原理Their ideas were the foundation for the political system that exists in the UK today. 他们的观点是今日英国政治体系的基础。nHow can we provide a solid foundation for world peace?bedrock the most important thing that something depends on in order to be successful 〔获得成功所必需的〕基础,基石Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. 诚实是任何良好关系的基础。nLabour’s traditional bedrock of support is among the working classes.cornerstone the most important thing that something depends on in order to be successful, especially in business and politics 〔尤指商业或政治的〕基础,柱石Confidence is the cornerstone of our business. 信心是我们这一行的基石。nNATO remains a cornerstone of defence policy for Europe.Examples from the Corpusbasis• These illustrations should not be used as a basis for comparing similar policies issued by other life assurance companies or Friendly Societies.• Most legislatures also have formal investigatory powers on a continuing or a case-by-case basis.• Personal Interviews will often be on a one to one basis but can also be undertaken as a group exercise.• Expert advice and support are the basis for the rehabilitation programme.• Sugar has always been the basis of the Cuban economy.• Roman law still forms the basis of our own legal system.• They are paid on the basis of their superiors' assessments of performance, as in the public sector.• The basis of his argument was that people who sell drugs should be jailed for life.• Sociology in the final analysis existed to provide a theoretical basis for socialism and secular education which were its practice.forms ... basis• That complaint forms the basis for the ethics committee findings against Gingrich.• Measurement of these conjugates forms the basis for placental function tests by urinary estriol determination.• The study of petrographic fabrics forms the basis for later analytical research, both chemically and isotopically.• The excretion of mercury by the kidney generally forms the basis for measurement of exposure.• This material forms the basis of planning for purposeful social work activity.• This diet now forms the basis of the Gerson Cancer Therapy.• This concept, called the accrual concept or matching principle, forms the basis for the measurement of accounting income.• Such policy simulation forms the basis of the advice that economists give to governments about what policies they should actually undertake.From Longman Business Dictionarybasisba‧sis /ˈbeɪsɪs/ noun (plural bases /-siːz/) [countable]1the facts or ideas from which something can be developedbasis forIf talks restart, this package is likely to be a basis for negotiation.2the original figures from which something can be calculated or valuedbasis for/ofThese figures will be the basis for future price calculations. → see also accrual basis, cash basis, earnings basisOrigin basis (1500-1600) Latin Greek, “step, base”, from bainein “to go”ba·sis noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus from facts, can be Business or ideas, the things which something




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