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单词 obliging
释义  o·blig·ing /əˈblaɪdʒɪŋ/ adjective  HELPwilling and eager to help 乐于助人的,热心相助的 The shop assistant was very obliging. 店员非常热情。 —obligingly adverbExamples from the Corpusobliging• The shop assistants were very obliging, and brought me at least fifteen pairs of shoes to try on.• They were not as obliging as she was about disappearing before the weekly workshop.• She waited, fatally near to the racks of wine, while an obliging boy shaved the slices from a fresh side.• Also, and much to the point, it was farmed by the same obliging farmer, Mr Healey.• Philip was being obliging, feeling that yesterday he had not been.• an obliging landlord• So my predecessors said we must face the sad business of obliging people to return home.• It is a great shame that such a showy and obliging plant does not seem to be sold by any nursery today.o·blig·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus and willing help to eager




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