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单词 obdurate
释义  ob·du·rate /ˈɒbdjərət $ ˈɑːbdə-/ adjective formal  STUBBORNvery determined not to change your beliefs, actions, or feelings, in a way that seems unreasonable 倔强的,执拗的,顽固的 SYN stubborn They argued, but he remained obdurate. 他们发生了争论,但他还是固执己见。 —obduracy noun [uncountable] —obdurately adverbExamples from the Corpusobdurate• Gedge smiled less and the attitude was so workman-like, it all seemed hurried and obdurate.• Or rather, it was not yet that acceptance, something in Raskolnikov remained obdurate.• Remain obdurate and you will hang for your presumption, and many others with you.• She remained obdurate despite their pleas.• I argued this point with him, but he was obdurate in the matter.• Thereafter they learnt to invoke the name of the head of the secret police when dealing with obdurate local officials.• Up until now he had been obdurate on the matter, the Emmeline was his, he would not give her up.• To avoid further childishness Leonora took refuge in stony, obdurate silence.• But then Bath, equally obdurate, struck back.Origin obdurate (1400-1500) Latin past participle of obdurare “to harden”ob·du·rate adjectiveChineseSyllable  very change your Corpus determined beliefs, to or not actions, feelings,




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