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单词 nursing
释义 Word family  noun nurse nursery nursing verb nurse  Related topics: Nurses, doctors, etc, Occupationsnurs·ing /ˈnɜːsɪŋ $ ˈnɜːr-/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  MNthe job or skill of looking after people who are ill, injured, or old 护士[护理]工作;护士[护理]技巧 → nurse I’d love to go into nursing. 我很乐意从事护理行业。 the nursing profession 护理专业 psychiatric nursing 精神病人的护理Examples from the Corpusnursing• Last week a Department of Environment inspector heard a planning appeal seeking to change it into a nursing home.• Aubrey sipped his brandy, nursing the balloon in both hands and studying Langford openly.• There is no easy solution to the education versus training argument in nursing.• The department offers general and honours degree courses in nursing.• Individualised nursing is based on knowledge of a patient's individuality.• Like most Guillain-Barré syndrome patients, he required maximal nursing, medical and physiotherapy care but did not need sedation.• One particular pre-pilot study for which funds were sought was into night nursing.• Minutes later as neighbours rallied round to help the nursing home worker an ambulance arrived to take her to hospital.• I'd like to get into the nursing program.nurs·ing nounChineseSyllable  of or after looking job Corpus the skill




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