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单词 nourishment
释义  Related topics: Foodnour·ish·ment /ˈnʌrɪʃmənt $ ˈnɜː-, ˈnʌ-/ noun [uncountable] formal  1  DFFOODthe food and other substances that people and other living things need to live, grow, and stay healthy 滋养品;营养 lack of proper nourishment 缺乏适当的营养 The soil provides nourishment for plant roots. 土壤为植物根部提供养分。► see thesaurus at food2  something that helps a feeling, idea, or belief to grow stronger 〔情感、思想或信念的〕滋养物emotional/intellectual/spiritual nourishment a child starved of emotional nourishment 渴望情感呵护的孩子Examples from the Corpusnourishment• The program provides basic nourishment to low-income families.• The best nourishment for your writing is the following blend.• The foetus gets nourishment via the mother's blood supply.• But the improver is into intellectual nourishment on a lavish scale.• Our tuberculosis patients needed nourishment far more than we did.• During pregnancy her unborn child strips her of nourishment for its own metabolic needs, so she becomes still weaker.• Though by that time, he was not usually thinking of nourishment but the simple satisfaction of hunger.• A growing child needs proper nourishment.• Calves rely on their mother's milk to provide nourishment.• The retreat gives me a kind of spiritual nourishment.• They welcome me warmly, and I feast on the nourishment for which I was born and which is mine par excellence.• The nourishment flows in both directions.emotional/intellectual/spiritual nourishment• But the improver is into intellectual nourishment on a lavish scale.nour·ish·ment nounChineseSyllable  substances people that and other and Corpus food the




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