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单词 note
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Music, Currenciesnote1 /nəʊt $ noʊt/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  to remind you 提醒自己 a) [countable]REMEMBER something that you write down to remind you of something 笔记,记录 Dave made a note of her address and phone number. 戴夫记下了她的地址和电话号码。 Keep a careful note of any problems you have with the software. 仔细记录使用这个软件时碰到的任何问题。 b) make a (mental) note to do something to decide that you must remember to do something later 提醒自己要做某事 He made a mental note to arrange a time to meet her. 他提醒自己要安排一个时间和她见面。2  FOR STUDYING 为了学习notes [plural] information that a student writes down during a lesson, from a book etc 〔学生的〕笔记 Can I borrow your lecture notes? 我能不能借用一下你的课堂笔记?take/make notes (=write notes) 记笔记 I read the first chapter and took notes. 我阅读了第一章并作了笔记。3  short letter 短信 [countable]LETTER a short informal letter 〔非正式的〕短笺,便条 I was going to write Kathy a note, but I decided to call her instead. 我原来准备给凯茜写个便条,但又决定还是打电话给她。 This is just a quick note to let you know that I won’t be in the office tomorrow. 我写这封短笺是想告诉你们我明天不在办公室。 a suicide note (=a note telling someone that you are going to kill yourself) 自杀遗书 a thank you note (=a note to say thank you for something) 感谢信4  official letter 正式信件 [countable]PG an official letter or document 公文;文件sick note British English (=a note saying that you are too ill to go to work or school) 病假证明delivery note (=a document showing that goods have been delivered) 送货单diplomatic note (=a formal letter from one government to another) 外交照会 → credit note, promissory note5  additional information 附加资料 [countable]TCN a short piece of writing at the bottom of a page or at the end of a book or document which gives more information about something written in the main part 〔页尾、书或文件后的〕注释,注解,评注 The notes are at the back of the book. 注解在书末。explanatory/guidance notes A set of guidance notes is provided to assist applicants in completing the form. 有填表须知帮助申请人填写表格。 → footnote(1)6  music 音乐 [countable]APM a particular musical sound, or a symbol representing this sound 单音;音调;音符high/low note She has a good voice but has trouble hitting the high notes. 她嗓音很好,但唱高音有困难。7  money 钱 [countable] British English (also bank note)PEC a piece of paper money worth a particular amount of money 纸币,钞票 SYN American English bill → coin a ten-pound note 一张十英镑的纸币► see thesaurus at money8  feeling or quality 感觉或特质 [singular]CHARACTER/PERSONALITY a type of feeling or quality when someone speaks or does something 〔话语或行为中所含的〕感情色彩,特征note of There was a note of doubt in her voice. 她话语中带着些怀疑。 He brought a note of realism into the debate. 他给这场辩论带来一种务实的色彩。on a ... note (=speaking in a particular way) 以一种…的口气 She ended her speech on a personal note. 她以亲切的语气结束了发言。 On a more serious note, I’d like to thank everyone for all their support. 说点严肃的,我想要感谢各位给予的所有支持。9  hit/strike the right/wrong note to succeed or not succeed in being right and suitable for a particular occasion 做对事/错事 Bush is hoping to hit the right note again with voters. 布什希望再次打动选民。10  take note (of something) ATTENTIONto pay attention to something 注意(到某事),留意(到某事) SYN notice People were beginning to take note of her talents as a writer. 人们开始注意到她的写作才能。 His first album made the music world stand up and take note. 他的第一张专辑引起了乐坛的反响和关注。11  somebody/something of note FAMOUS formal someone or something important, interesting, or famous 重要的[有意思的,著名的]人/物 The college has produced several architects of note. 这所学院出过好几位著名的建筑师。 The village has a number of buildings of note. 村里有一些著名建筑。12  worthy/deserving of note NOTICEimportant or interesting and deserving particular attention 值得注意的 → noteworthy three recent novels that are especially worthy of note 最近出版的三本尤其值得关注的小说 → compare notes at compare1(5)n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: verbsmake notes (=write them down)As he read the letters, he made careful notes.take notes (=write them down)The reporter took notes throughout the down/scribble notes (=write them down quickly)The jurors were scribbling notes as the witness gave evidence.write up notes (=write down what your notes say, using full sentences and more detail)It’s a good idea to write up your notes soon after a lecture.look/go/read through your notesI read through my notes before the exam.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + notes detailed notesI always make quite detailed notes after important meetings.copious notes (=a very large amount)She sat at the back of the hall and made copious notes.brief notes (=short and not detailed)He jotted down some brief notes.scrappy notes (=very short and not detailed enough)Her rather scrappy notes weren’t much use when it came to revision.lecture notes (=notes that a student writes down during a lecture)I missed class today; can I borrow your lecture notes?case notes (=notes that a doctor, social worker etc makes about someone)The researchers looked at the case notes of 500 patients with this type of cancer.medical notes (=notes that a doctor keeps about a patient)I asked if I could see my medical notes.Examples from the Corpusnote• Niels Bohr pointed it out to him and he had to add a note in proof to deal with the question.• He was devastated when he arrived home to find a note from his wife, telling him their marriage was over.• I was going to write Keisha a note, but I decided to call her instead.• He left a note on his desk saying he would be back in 5 minutes.• Mom left a note on the counter telling us she'd gone to the store.• If you have any complaints, let me know and I'll make a note of them.• I forgot to leave them a note to tell them we won't be home by dinnertime.• I write a note for Joe and prop it against the scotch bottles on the bar.• Marina spoke without using any notes.• a diplomatic note• It is amazing how expressive she makes each note sound.• I have notes to myself all over the house.• Some of the singers had a little trouble with the high notes.• I expect his notes went into the university archives, and the rest of his belongings would have been sold off.• She wrote a polite little note to Miss Henry, thanking her for her kindness.• She ended her speech on a personal note, telling how the war had affected her family.• Just a quick note to say Helen had a baby boy yesterday -- 8lbs 6oz.• The bountiful buffet breakfast served each morning sets just the right note to start the day by the fresh-water swimming pool.• There was a strained note in Fischer's normally relaxed voice.• Police are puzzled about the man's death. There was no sign of a struggle and no suicide note.• It brightens traditional noodle soups and adds a tangy note to spring rolls.• The higher the notes, the higher the blood pressure.• Additional sources are listed in the notes at the back of the book.• There were notes on little yellow Post-Its stuck all over the report.• She was self-assured and spoke without notes, having done this so many times before.• Before a concert in Dublin, a hand-written note was pinned to the front door of the venue.write ... note• Carl wrote many notes to clients, while Bill wrote many songs.• After reviewing the memo, Lake wrote a note to his secretary asking her to send the information to his broker.• She wrote that note while pretending to look in her handbag.• Some people find it helpful to write out their notes again before they file them.• A stranger would not have known to write the three-page note referring to the business dealings of John Ramsey.• She could have refused to write that note to her parents or walk obediently to the car and climb into the boot.• I move again and try to write some notes, but it is cold enough to freeze the ballpoint off my biro.• If you need to write, write notes on what is going on in class.sick note• Miss Maynard showed Mum my forged sick notes.• You don't bring a proper sick note when you've been off school.explanatory/guidance notes• Detailed guidance notes outlining the conditions which must be met to stay within the new law are being issued to all farmers.• A set of guidance notes is provided to assist applicants in completing the form.• Central Government publish general advice on a wide range of planning issues through planning policy guidance notes and circulars.• To monitor, advise and produce guidance notes, when appropriate, on all new legislation affecting work of the section.• The creation of a relatively simple index could help branch volunteers access some of the key information contained in the guidance notes.• Approval from the Bar Council has been received to guidance notes prepared for those members wishing direct access to barristers.• This should be annotated with explanatory notes for clarification.high/low note• High note: A scanner appeal has hit a high note after receiving a boost from Cleveland police.• The year 1987 had arrived on a high note, but possibly a dangerous one.• Rhayader noises he heard a clear, high note.• Her singing, including lots of difficult high notes, was strong and beautiful.• Its high notes are not of good quality.• I hung up on that high note.• As the melody soared and spiralled, Ari and Nathan spun within it, reaching for the highest notes.• Analysis Have the students consider these questions in groups and report back to the class: Which bands give the highest notes?note of• "Can you help me?" she asked, a note of hope in her voice.• Councilman Buschman brought a note of realism to the debate.• Take note of how much water goes through your meter in 60 seconds.note2 ●●○ verb [transitive] formal  1  ATTENTIONNOTICEto notice or pay careful attention to something 注意,留意 He carefully noted the time when they left the building. 他们离开大楼的时候,他特别留意了一下时间。note (that) Please note that the bill must be paid within ten days. 请注意本账单必须在十天以内付清。 It should be noted that parking without a permit attracts a charge of £5. 提请注意: 无停车许可者收费五英镑。note how Note how she is holding her racket. 注意她是怎么握球拍的。2  NOTICEto mention something because it is important or interesting 特别提到;指出note that The judge noted that Miller had no previous criminal record. 法官指出米勒没有犯罪前科。► see thesaurus at say3 note something ↔ down phrasal verb formal to write something down so that you will remember it 记下 Note down the main points you want to include in your essay. 记下你文章中想要包含的要点。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusnote• Moreover, times have changed in another way, less commonly noted.• No significant differences in sphincter pressure were noted.• The report noted a complete disregard for safety regulations.• He read the text carefully, noting down the queries to be resolved later.• I noted her habit of looking at the floor whenever I asked her a question.• I have already noted his rejection of utilitarianism as an interpretation of the aim and purpose of life.• He chatted to her, noting how her face reddened every time Ian's name was mentioned.• This condition means that the Pareto exponent and we may note that a rise in s 1 reduces the Pareto exponent.• Please note that car hire is not bookable on Viewdata.• I couldn't help but note that Jenny doesn't phone or call around to see you anymore.• Note that the compound is more stable at high temperatures.• He noted that the poverty level for a family of four is now about $ 16,000 a year.• Mr Butterfield also notes that the rules apply to managers, too.• It should be noted that the witness did not recognize the defendant.• Encourage the children to note the colors and textures of the fabrics.• In the central tradition, as noted, the depression was a routine affliction.• Stuart noted the telephone number on a business card.• Before leaving, she noted the times of the return trains.note (that)• Daine's statue shook but didn't miss a note.• The fact that in practice logistic problems in public libraries are not given enough attention is noted above.• Promissory notes and bills of exchange are often guaranteed or endorsed by a third party of financial standing.• That would be a good topic for a page or two of notes and ideas.• I prayed again that I had not noted in detail any connection with Kay.• Thomases' notes on conferences and bills suggest the billing records may have been in existence at the time.• It is worth noting that s.47 applies to persons, thus covering a body corporate.note that• It was noted that a sizeable minority of the Shop still wanted to fight for differentials.• In Chapter 8 we noted that an externality occurs where private and social costs diverge.• It is important to note that dialects are never purely regional, or purely social, or purely ethnic.• It is curious, too, to note that echidnas also possess spurs but their venom gland is non-functional.• Mr Clinton said, noting that he had asked staffs to keep working.• A police spokesman noted that Miller had no previous criminal record.• Second, note that such phenomena continued in the patristic period, at least in some circles.• But he did make a point of noting that the children are living with him now.• Please note that the museum is closed on Mondays.• It is worth noting that this excess has been left to grow steadily over the best part of two centuries.From Longman Business Dictionarynotenote1 /nəʊtnoʊt/ noun1[countable] British EnglishBANKING a piece of printed paper that is used as moneySYN BANKNOTE, AmE BILLa ten pound note → currency notes2[countable] a short letter or official documenta note from the chief executive → advice note → bond note → bought note → consignment note → contract note → cover note → credit note → debit note → delivery note → demand note → prompt note → rail consignment note → road consignment note → shipping note → sold note3notes [plural]FINANCE used in the names of bonds or COMMERCIAL PAPER (=borrowing for less than a year by companies)The government has auctioned $15 billion of three-year notes (=borrowing that will be repaid after three years). → convertible notes → Euro medium-term note → floating rate note → loan note → non-callable notes → promissory note → revenue anticipation notes → secured notes → senior notes → subordinated notes → Treasury notes → unsecured notes → see also sick notenotenote2 verb [transitive]1to mention something important or interesting so that people will notice it‘The big stores aren’t competing for space any more, ’ notes Davidowitz.note thatAnalysts note that unless the discount rate is lowered, a substantial stock market recovery isn’t likely.2to notice or pay careful attention to somethingPlease note the following amendments to the guidelines.note thatInvestors should note that these new long-term options are currently quite a risk.It’s worth noting that there’s now little real price differential between the two types of product.→ See Verb tableOrigin note1 (1200-1300) Latin nota “mark, character, written note”note1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1note2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  something Business to that you write down Corpus




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