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单词 nose job
释义  Related topics: Hospital, Hair & beautyˈnose job noun [countable] informal  MHDCBa medical operation on someone’s nose to improve its appearance 鼻子整形手术 → plastic surgery, cosmetic surgeryExamples from the Corpusnose job• Jackson must've been under the effects of the anaesthetic after a nose job to come out with something so bad.• Not only is she incredibly slim, she's also allegedly had a nose job to improve her looks.• He may have had a nose job at Edith Piaf's request, but that was a long time ago.• Tries to put her best face forward, even if it means a nose job.• If I hung around here any longer, it would all go on a nose job for Emily Quigley.• I think this is a pretty car, especially at the front where the nose job is great.ˈnose job nounChineseSyllable  nose to operation a on someone’s medical Corpus




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