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单词 no one
释义  ˈno one, no-one ●●● S1 W2 pronoun  PERSON/PEOPLEnot anyone 没人,无人 SYN nobody No one likes being criticized. 没有人喜欢受到批评。 There’s no one else I really want to invite apart from you. 除你之外,我不太想再邀请其他人。 Has no one phoned about the car? 没人打电话问那辆车的事吗? No one can say I didn’t warn you. 谁也不能说我没有警告过你。5 GRAMMAR 语法: no one, nobody• Do not use another negative word (eg ‘not’) with no one and nobody. no one和nobody不应与其他否定词(如not)连用Nobody could hear me (NOT 不说 No body could not hear me).谁也听不到我的声音。• Do not use ‘of’ after no one and nobody. Use none of or, if you are talking about two people, neither of. no one和nobody后面不要使用of,而要用none of,指两个人时用neither ofNo one did anything about the problem (NOT 不说 No one did nothing ...).没有人去解决这个问题。None of them saw him.他们都没有看到他。Neither of his parents had come to the wedding.他的父母都没来参加婚礼 。n GRAMMAR: NegativesDon’t use another negative word such as ‘not’ or ‘nothing’ after no one. You say: No one did anything to help. ✗Don’t say: No one did nothing to help. n USAGE: No one, none of, neither of• Don’t use ‘of’ after no one. ✗Don’t say: no one of us | no one of his parents • You use none of when talking about a group of three or more people: None of us saw him.• You use neither of when talking about two people: Neither of his parents went to the wedding. 他的父母都没来参加婚礼 。Examples from the Corpusno one• No one could remember her name.• Lucian writes like no one except himself.• But that is exactly what no one is now willing to do.• What the purpose of the paintings was, no one knows for certain.• The vendor will almost certainly say that no one knows more about the business than the management.• A glance at the assembled guests told him what he already knew - that no one looked quite as good as he did.• But no one really knows what it means.• But no one seemed to anticipate what has happened in the last two years.• The mangoes grew wild on Tioman; no one seemed to claim them as private property.• I tried calling last night, but no one was home.ˈno one pronoun →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n USAGE1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  anyone Corpus not




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