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单词 non-proliferation
释义  Related topics: Weapons, Governmentˌnon-prolifeˈration noun [uncountable]  PMWPGthe limiting of the number of nuclear or chemical weapons in the world, especially by stopping countries that do not yet have them from developing them 防止核[化学]武器扩散 Over 20 countries have now signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. 目前已有20多个国家签署了《不扩散核武器条约》。Examples from the Corpusnon-proliferation• Does non-proliferation apply to everyone else but not to us?• If nuclear non-proliferation - Hon. Members More, more.• If nuclear non-proliferation is good enough for the rest of the world, why is not it good enough for us?• All that argues for the vigorous pursuit of nuclear non-proliferation.• We must also pursue nuclear non-proliferation as vigorously as we can.• the nuclear non-proliferation treaty• That is the most difficult and persistent area of non-proliferation.ˌnon-prolifeˈration nounChineseSyllable  or number Corpus nuclear of the limiting of the




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