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单词 noise
释义 Word family  noun noise adjective noisy noiseless adverb noisily noiselessly  Related topics: Colours & sounds, Electrical, Computersnoise1 /nɔɪz/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]CSOUND a sound, especially one that is loud, unpleasant, or frightening 噪声,杂音;嘈杂声,喧闹声 SYN sound What’s that noise? 那是什么声音?noise of the noise of the traffic 交通噪音 Try not to make a noise when you go upstairs. 上楼时尽量不要弄出声。gurgling/banging/crackling etc noise There was a strange whistling noise in his ears. 他听到奇怪的杂音。 There was a lot of noise outside. 外面很吵闹。 Noise levels have been reduced by 20%. 噪音水平下降了20%。traffic/engine/background etc noise the problem of aircraft noise near airports 机场附近飞机噪音的问题2  (make) encouraging/optimistic etc noises (about something) British EnglishTALK TO somebody to say things which suggest what your opinion or attitude is, without saying it directly (就某事说)鼓励/乐观等的话 Both sides were making hopeful noises about the hostages. 双方都在表示人质还有希望。3  make (all) the right noises (about something) to say the things that other people want or expect to hear (对某事)随声附和 The health minister seems to be making all the right noises. 卫生部长似乎只是在随声附和。4  make noises about doing something to say that you are considering doing something 表示正在考虑做某事 He is now making noises about starting his own business. 他表示正在考虑自己创业。5  make a (lot of) noise about something British English to talk about something a lot, so that people will notice it – used to show disapproval 经常谈论某个话题〔含贬义〕 modern men who make a noise about the fact that they know how to look good 总是夸耀自己懂得如何打扮的时髦男子6. [uncountable] technicalTPETEE unwanted signals produced by an electrical circuit 〔电路引起的〕杂音;干扰(信号)7. [uncountable] technicalTD pieces of unwanted information that can prevent a computer from working effectively 〔妨碍计算机正常运行的〕垃圾信息8. noises off the sounds, voices etc that come from actors who are not on the stage at the time 台后音,幕后音 → big noisen COLLOCATIONSverbsmake a noiseThe car engine was making a funny noise.hear a noiseShe heard a strange noise.a noise comes from somethingThe noise seemed to be coming from the kitchen.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + noise a loud noiseThe rain made a loud noise against the window.a strange/funny noiseWhat’s that funny noise?a gurgling/whistling/cracking etc noise (=a noise with a particular kind of sound)The water moved through the pipes with a loud gurgling noise.constant noise (=noise that does not stop)She was fed up with the constant noise of traffic.background noise (=noise of things that are happening around you)The background noise made it hard to hear what he was saying.traffic/aircraft/engine etc noiseIt was peaceful there, with no traffic noise at all.noise + NOUNnoise levelsThe hospital is trying to reduce noise levels to help patients sleep.noise pollution (=noise from cars, planes etc which has a bad effect on people’s lives)The new airport will increase noise pollution in the surrounding area.n THESAURUSnoise a loud sound, especially an unpleasant oneTraffic noise is a problem in inner-city areas.Why is the washing machine making so much noise?racket/din a loud unpleasant noise, especially one that annoys you. Racket is more informal than dinI wish those kids would stop making such a racket.I shouted to make myself heard above the din of the crowd.the din of battlerow British English a very loud unpleasant noise, especially one that continues for a long timethe deafening row of the loudspeakers roar a loud noise that continues for a long time – used about the noise from an engine, the traffic, a crowd, the sea, or the windShe heard the roar of a motorbike behind her.the roar of the waves breaking on the beachthe roar of the crowd at the Blue Jays baseball gamehubbub especially written the unclear sound of a lot of people talking and moving around in a placeIt’s a wonderful place to escape from the hubbub of London’s busy streets.His voice rose above the hubbub.commotion especially written a noise made by people arguing or fightingThere was a big commotion going on outside the building.He went downstairs to find out what was causing the commotion.clamour British English, clamor American English literary a loud noise made by a group of people or things all making a noise at the same timeThey heard the clamour of angry voices.the clamor of the rain on the roofthe clamour of typewritersthe clamour of the birdsExamples from the Corpusnoise• Are you sure you locked the door? I thought I heard a noise downstairs.• The wood panelling obviously deadened any noise from outside.• What was that clunking noise?• There was a loud cracking noise and then the chair collapsed.• These phenomena show up as excess noise, distortion and reduced tube life.• A speeding motor boat sliced the waters with the grating noise of a buzz saw.• As we slowed down, his noise speeded up, as did his frantic hopping movements, signifying even greater disapproval.• The river made a little noise, a kind of quiet hum in the background.• Do you have to make so much noise?• Why are the children making so much noise out there?• Can you hear that funny scratching noise?• Tonight's contribution is awesome in the decibels of that noise.• The noise of the machines made it hard to talk.• The noise of the traffic kept me awake all night.• the noise of the traffic• Their noise would have undoubtedly caused enormous damage to the sensitive hearing of marine mammals.• Traffic noise is a problem in inner-city areas.make ... noise• Show the students the balloons and ask them how you can make a noise using a balloon. 2.• You can hear a friend make a noise under water when you are swimming.• The government sponsored Meadowell Initiative makes noises in the north of the estate - but does pitifully little, painfully slowly.• It made a noise, just a squawk, coming open; he closed it silently behind him.• Is it doing anything strange, such as leaking, making noises or not keeping water as hot as it used to?• There was something by the shady side of the wardrobe that made a noise.• The blindfolded Brownie points to some one and asks them to make a noise.• Minutes later he was making a noise like a pneumatic drill.noise2 verb  be noised abroad/about/around old-fashioned especially British English if news or information is noised abroad, people are talking about it 〔新闻或消息〕传播出去 Rumours of an election are being noised abroad. 外界纷纷传言要举行选举。→ See Verb tableOrigin noise (1200-1300) Old French “quarreling, noise”, from Latin nausea; → NAUSEAnoise1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1noise2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  that or is unpleasant, frightening one especially Corpus loud, sound, a




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