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单词 normally
释义 Word family  noun normality/normalcy ≠ abnormality normal normalization adjective normal ≠ abnormal verb normalize adverb normally ≠ abnormally  nor·mal·ly /ˈnɔːməli $ ˈnɔːr-/ ●●● S1 W2 AWL adverb  1  usually 通常,平常 The journey normally takes about two hours. 这段旅程通常需要大约两小时。[sentence adverb] Normally, I park behind the theatre. 通常我把车停在剧院后面。2  in a normal way 正常地 OPP abnormally The system seems to be working normally now. 目前该系统似乎运行正常。Examples from the Corpusnormally• Try to relax and breathe normally.• As it turned out, the propulsion system performed normally.• The museum isn't normally as crowded as this.• Candidates will normally be expected to be members of the professions allied to medicine.• His normally cheerful face looked sad for a moment.• Copyright comes into force immediately on completion or publication of the work and does not normally have to be recorded or registered.• A large, blue twin-engine air boat that normally is used for tours of the Everglades serves as the major on-site platform.• Normally, it takes me twenty minutes to get to work.• The flu normally lasts about a week or ten days.• The beginner normally learns combination techniques by performing them against thin air.• Most events take about two hours and are normally limited to 20 places, so booking in advance is essential.• We put together the new packaging overnight practically, when it would have normally taken two years.nor·mal·ly adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus usually




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